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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U only 2% of Ubisoft sales for Q3 2013 (PS4: 12% X1: 9%)

SnowPrince said:
Mummelmann said:
It's all Ubisoft's fault though.

I hope you're not serious, what on earth could they potentially do ? They released every published game they have on the WiiU, and they're continuing their support, it's just that WiiU audience don't want to support their console.

If you're referring to Rayman Legends becoming multiplat, maybe it's just that pre-orders did not meet their expectations for an exclusive title.

I was being very, very heavily sarcastic. I'm sick to death of Nintendo fans blaming all their woes on 3rd parties when they're clearly not to blame.

Ubisoft are far and away the biggest supporters of the Wii U and even they get stung; that speaks volumes of Nintendo and their fans' blame in the whole situation around developer relations. "3rd party games aren't any good anyway, Nintendo 1st party titles are so much better" - "Why is every 3rd party ignoring Nintendo's home consoles?" - "It's a stripped down version." - "These guys don't make anything worthwhile anyway."

It's like a constant merry-go-round of anger and denial.

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Well, they could have released Rayman Legends as time exclusive in January 2013 and later an extended "definitive" version for all platforms (WiiU included) in September 2013 + an upgrade option via DLC for buyers of the first version.

Okay, there is always the risk that the extended version will be perceived as an "old" game with less value, so they have to price it in the budget area (Resident Evil: Revelations HD, Assassin's Creed Liberation HD,...)

shikamaru317 said:

And now you know why they delayed the Wii U port of Watch Dogs instead of delaying it for all platforms a 2nd time just for release parity.

And now we know why it'll sell abysmally. Let's continue blaming 'the Nintendo-fan' though. It's a circle that never ends.

Personally I'll still buy the game if it still comes to WiiU.

Why so greedy Ubisoft 2% is large enough for you

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Aren't they are the only big publisher to actually support the Wiiu? Wow, i really don't expect the U version of watch dogs to live based on that. There's just no point given how low the sales are likely to be. And with the delays all efforts should be on the PS4/X1 version.

Unless they can get some money out of Ninty to do it. With its billions, Ninty should be throwing millions around for developers to actually make wiiu versions of their games. I'm sure ubi would have their hands out no problem.

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jlmurph2 said:
JazzB1987 said:

well behaving like they did with Rayman Legends sure does not help. I mean what do they expect?

It takes a whole generation to gain trust you lost because of bad business practices and so far they dont even try they just say they try.

If the whole WiiU gen gets constant quality support then the next system might have the chance to be very profitable. They should know that they will not really have good sales during the next 5 years because of the way they handle Nintendo systems.

I mean do they think that delaying a finished game for half a year and cutting modes in other games etc will help the sceptical Nintendo fanbase to buy more Ubisoft games? Third party is dumber than I thought.

Oh god please stop with the excuses, Ubisoft isn't some kid that was bad at school. Its the Nintendo fans' fault for not supporting 3rd party. Now its starting to look like Wii U is about to lose yet another publisher and end up as a secondary console. Gamers want games, and if Wii U doesn't support them then this is what happens. BS hardware sales.

WRONG gamers do NOT want games.  Gamers do want good games.  Mainstreamers want games.  Its up to you if you want to be a gamer or mainstreamer. I certainly dont want to be a mainstreamer.

I would have bought Rayman legends full price  because it would have supported the WiiU and because it would have come out during a time with no software.  Also having it as an exclusive would have made it something special.

But first they hype the game make gamers want it and then they go FUCK YOU WAIT ANOTHER 6 MONTHS K? THANKS!  Completely disappointing customers that wanted the game. Also making it multiplat with their stupid "no sales during first 3 months = failure" kid mentality  devalued the game.  So why buy it on WiiU day1 when you were already forced to wait 6 months? Because everything gets devalued on PS360 superfast makes it a no brainer to wait another few months and then get it on PS3 360 or WiiU for 20 bucks. (WiiU price will fall because the pricing has to be competitive)

TBH what third party is there to support?  NFS was a good port yes but EA is a shit company that actually insults customers and then expects them to buy their games? Seriously real gamers are not that stupid...

Let me give you a short summary of most of the third party stuff on Wii and WiiU:

Wii gets on rails resident evil instead of real one (GC had the amazing 4 so why not Wii?)  = NO THANKS
Wii gets on rails version of Dragon Quest  = NO THANKS
Wii gets Dragon Quest 10  but it is an MMO = NO THANKS
Wii gets on rails version of Dead Space  = NO THANKS
Wii gets Third party AAA games like COD look worse than GC games (lighting etc) = NO THANKS
Wii gets lazy PS2 ports with no effort put into them etc = NO THANKS
Wii gets good games like RedSteel but third party cant be bothered to fix the frustrating controls  = NO THANKS

WiiU third party launch prices were $70€  = NO THANKS
WiiU gets  MassEffect3 while the others get the trilogy for the same price  = NO THANKS
WiiU gets choppy 20 FPS ports = NO THANKS (framerate is key to gameplay visuals are not!)
WiiU gets version that lacks game modes = NO THANKS
WiiU version does not get additional content/support = NO THANKS
WiiU gets late port of archaic game for full/ almost full price = NO THANKS (really DeusEx instead of TombRaider? lol)
WiiU gets FULL HD COD games where FULL HD somehow means 720p = NO THANKS (stupid liars)

How to do it?
WiiU gets great version of Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed = YES PLEASE
WiiU gets great version of DarkSiders 2 = YES PLEASE  (360 version sold 7x more even tho it had ~30-40x the userbase)

TBH When "harcore" gamers are allowed to whine about Dante having a new haircut in DMC. A haircut that makes it impossible for them to buy the game... then please let Nintendo gamers decide whether or not to spend money on subpar products that lack features and have real flaws okay? Thank you.

And yes Ubisoft(and most western devs because of their shitty "short-term-profit/money mad shareholders) is a kid that was bad at school or how do you think they come up with shit like that?
"ZombiU with its 630k (thats just retail not digital) was not even close at being profitable"  Did they expect the game to sell 1.5-2m? LOOL? HAHAHA

But then they say
"We expect Watchdogs to sell around 6million copies" They will NEVER expect a game to just break even so 6m equals profit.

Okay so:
A low budget single platform launch game with NO marketing has to sell at least 1,5-2m on a console with a launch userbase of 0 (every platform starts with 0 users)
A high budget AAA multiplatform title with alot of marketing just needs 6m on 80m PS3s, 80m 360s,  almost 6m WiiUs (thats obviously 6m more than at launch), more than 5m PS4s and 3.4m XONEs. Keep in mind that when WatchDogs comes out there will be even more PS360s and Ps4X1s out there.  

This for me = LOL OKAAAAAAAAAAAAY.....if you say so....

(western) Third party IS just stupid. I mean why can a small team create HAWKEN and back in the day FarCry was made by just a handful of people from Germany? In 2004 FarCry was the best looking game (which is impossible because everyone knows that visuals cost at least 892893892839239 dollars right?)

No game needs a 30m dollar budget its just bullshit visuals here visuals there and then they have so great visuals the game runs with 12 FPS (Castlevania on 360).

They should learn how to economize then they wont need a low budget title to sell 3m to be profitable and as a result of that wont have the excuse of profitability.

Also why buy a $70 WiiU game or a $60 PS360 game when 1 year later the same game is on steam for $5? With MOD support!

P.S. I am a gamer NOT a pure Nintendo fanboy.  I have more PS3s than Nintendo home consoles combined :)

Mummelmann said:
SnowPrince said:
Mummelmann said:
It's all Ubisoft's fault though.

I hope you're not serious, what on earth could they potentially do ? They released every published game they have on the WiiU, and they're continuing their support, it's just that WiiU audience don't want to support their console.

If you're referring to Rayman Legends becoming multiplat, maybe it's just that pre-orders did not meet their expectations for an exclusive title.

I was being very, very heavily sarcastic. I'm sick to death of Nintendo fans blaming all their woes on 3rd parties when they're clearly not to blame.

Ubisoft are far and away the biggest supporters of the Wii U and even they get stung; that speaks volumes of Nintendo and their fans' blame in the whole situation around developer relations. "3rd party games aren't any good anyway, Nintendo 1st party titles are so much better" - "Why is every 3rd party ignoring Nintendo's home consoles?" - "It's a stripped down version." - "These guys don't make anything worthwhile anyway."

It's like a constant merry-go-round of anger and denial.

I look at their past products and while they've done okay, they aren't anything to write home about. They've done the minimum and have lately fallen into the habit of the yearly release of the rehashed triple AAA franchise title. Sure they port it to the Wii U and that is about it. Nothing exclusive, no special features, no visual upgrades over the prior gen or much of anything like that. I mean why no DLC support as an example? It can't be that hard to deal with. By definition it is just downloadable content for the original game.


Treat it equally and then complain about an equal result. If all this publisher had done was port the PS3 version to PS4 and no DLC, do you think the abysmal sales would be blamed on Sony?

Mummelmann said:

I was being very, very heavily sarcastic. I'm sick to death of Nintendo fans blaming all their woes on 3rd parties when they're clearly not to blame.

Ubisoft are far and away the biggest supporters of the Wii U and even they get stung; that speaks volumes of Nintendo and their fans' blame in the whole situation around developer relations. "3rd party games aren't any good anyway, Nintendo 1st party titles are so much better" - "Why is every 3rd party ignoring Nintendo's home consoles?" - "It's a stripped down version." - "These guys don't make anything worthwhile anyway."

It's like a constant merry-go-round of anger and denial.

So, Nintendo fans on the web = the whole Wii U userbase? 

Because a few people say this stuff, that means they represent the 5 million Wii U owners?

That's what I honestly don't get about these type of comments, just because 5000 Nintendo fans say that on the web (just throwing a random number which is probably too high) doesn't represent the market AT ALL.

Just ask around here, there are plenty of Nintendo fans who buy 3rd party games (that are of quality at least). Do they represent the 5 million userbase? no they don't, and neither do the Nintendo fans who say 3rd party are trash.

So why are Wii U owners not interested in most 3rd party games? maybe is marketing? maybe most Wii U owners are kids that are not interested in these games? (after checking Miiverse, I can tell that kids and teens represent the majority of people who have a Wii U), maybe is just staple that Nintendo has had since the N64?

There are plenty of potential reasons as to why this is a problem, but a vocal minority on the web is by far one of them. And don't tell me that ALL Wii U owners are hardcore Nintendo fans who think like that, because that's just simple BS.

Nintendo and PC gamer

el_gallo said:
Mummelmann said:
SnowPrince said:
Mummelmann said:
It's all Ubisoft's fault though.

I hope you're not serious, what on earth could they potentially do ? They released every published game they have on the WiiU, and they're continuing their support, it's just that WiiU audience don't want to support their console.

If you're referring to Rayman Legends becoming multiplat, maybe it's just that pre-orders did not meet their expectations for an exclusive title.

I was being very, very heavily sarcastic. I'm sick to death of Nintendo fans blaming all their woes on 3rd parties when they're clearly not to blame.

Ubisoft are far and away the biggest supporters of the Wii U and even they get stung; that speaks volumes of Nintendo and their fans' blame in the whole situation around developer relations. "3rd party games aren't any good anyway, Nintendo 1st party titles are so much better" - "Why is every 3rd party ignoring Nintendo's home consoles?" - "It's a stripped down version." - "These guys don't make anything worthwhile anyway."

It's like a constant merry-go-round of anger and denial.

I look at their past products and while they've done okay, they aren't anything to write home about. They've done the minimum and have lately fallen into the habit of the yearly release of the rehashed triple AAA franchise title. Sure they port it to the Wii U and that is about it. Nothing exclusive, no special features, no visual upgrades over the prior gen or much of anything like that. I mean why no DLC support as an example? It can't be that hard to deal with. By definition it is just downloadable content for the original game.


Treat it equally and then complain about an equal result. If all this publisher had done was port the PS3 version to PS4 and no DLC, do you think the abysmal sales would be blamed on Sony?

Call of Duty: Ghosts and AC 4 was treated equally on all platforms, yet sold terribly on the Wii U, ZombiU was an exlusive effort and didn't even net Ubi a profit; what would do in their shoes? Keep making expensive exclusive software that fails to profit or keep including a multiplat version of games that sell 100-150k and likely incurr a loss in their end or simply start slowly cutting support and focusing your efforts elsewhere towards a proven audience that actually buys your games?
Mass Effect 2, a rather late port and with the previous game unavailable on the platform, sold over 1.3 million on the PS3, that's a really result for a port with no roots on the platform at all (the 360 already had the original that did over 2.8 million).
That is what developers are looking for, that is real ROI.

People keep saying Ubi has "poor business sense", forum goers apparently understand more both about game development and game publishing than actual developers and publishers. I'll ask you what I once aske John Lucas; what are the odds that almost every single 3rd party developer and publisher in the world are so horrible at their own trade?

First off; not all releases on the Wii U are crappy, half-hearted ports like many seem to suggest, and secondly; Microsoft and Sony have worked hard for 15-20 years towards never putting themselves in the position where they would receive such poor support.

shikamaru317 said:
S.Peelman said:
shikamaru317 said:

And now you know why they delayed the Wii U port of Watch Dogs instead of delaying it for all platforms a 2nd time just for release parity.

And now we know why it'll sell abysmally. Let's continue blaming 'the Nintendo-fan' though. It's a circle that never ends.

Personally I'll still buy the game if it still comes to WiiU.

Honestly, even if it did release at the same time as the other platforms it would sell less than half of the next lowest selling version, just look at AC 3 and AC 4. It wouldn't make financial sense for Ubisoft to delay all of the versions a 2nd time just so the Wii U version has release date parity, Watch Dogs has already lost alot of hype from the first delay, the sales they'd lose from delaying the Wii U version only will be much less than the sales they'd lose from delaying all platforms a 2nd time. Hopefully Ubisoft will sell the Wii U version for like $40 instead of $60, or bundle some of the DLC with it for $60. 

Things are only going to get worse for Wii U fans as far as 3rd party multiplats go, soon enough games will be next-gen only instead of cross-gen, developers won't want the Wii U holding back the other platforms graphically and selling poorly. I feel like Wii U fans are mostly going to have to survive off of Nintendo's 1st party, as well as whatever 3rd party exclusive they manage to land. Fortunately Nintendo has a fantastic 1st party and they've managed to land a few good 3rd party exclusives for their fans.

I agree.

I also agree that the WiiU version would always have sold the lowest, it's not surprising. Though it's getting beyond annoying that there's almost always something clinging to the side of a third party game on a Nintendo system, there's almost always 'fine print' so to say. I don't think it's surprising that gamers have become hesitant on Nintendo platforms when it comes to these games. I have, and it's even influencing my buying habits on my other platforms. It's been going on for multiple generations now.