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shikamaru317 said:
S.Peelman said:
shikamaru317 said:

And now you know why they delayed the Wii U port of Watch Dogs instead of delaying it for all platforms a 2nd time just for release parity.

And now we know why it'll sell abysmally. Let's continue blaming 'the Nintendo-fan' though. It's a circle that never ends.

Personally I'll still buy the game if it still comes to WiiU.

Honestly, even if it did release at the same time as the other platforms it would sell less than half of the next lowest selling version, just look at AC 3 and AC 4. It wouldn't make financial sense for Ubisoft to delay all of the versions a 2nd time just so the Wii U version has release date parity, Watch Dogs has already lost alot of hype from the first delay, the sales they'd lose from delaying the Wii U version only will be much less than the sales they'd lose from delaying all platforms a 2nd time. Hopefully Ubisoft will sell the Wii U version for like $40 instead of $60, or bundle some of the DLC with it for $60. 

Things are only going to get worse for Wii U fans as far as 3rd party multiplats go, soon enough games will be next-gen only instead of cross-gen, developers won't want the Wii U holding back the other platforms graphically and selling poorly. I feel like Wii U fans are mostly going to have to survive off of Nintendo's 1st party, as well as whatever 3rd party exclusive they manage to land. Fortunately Nintendo has a fantastic 1st party and they've managed to land a few good 3rd party exclusives for their fans.

I agree.

I also agree that the WiiU version would always have sold the lowest, it's not surprising. Though it's getting beyond annoying that there's almost always something clinging to the side of a third party game on a Nintendo system, there's almost always 'fine print' so to say. I don't think it's surprising that gamers have become hesitant on Nintendo platforms when it comes to these games. I have, and it's even influencing my buying habits on my other platforms. It's been going on for multiple generations now.