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Forums - Politics Discussion - The heterosexual question.


What do you do?

Stay. 99 33.22%
Leave. 119 39.93%
... 28 9.40%
See results. 49 16.44%

I'd leave :P I kinda want kids of my own someday XD

>Looks at OP's profile pic

Isnt that the chic from Catherine who happens to be a girl but was originally a dude? Did it inspire this thread in some way? :p

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About halfway through I saw the author and immediately knew what the dilemma would be. For me there are a couple of issues. First, I don't think I'd be fooled. I've seen some convincing trans girls, sometimes even thought they were cute, but in person, you can tell. At the very least, the voice is always a dead giveaway, it just sounds male, and kills the attraction instantly for me. But lets say somehow this happened, and I was fooled up to this point. Even if I could forget that she lied to me, I can't accept that she doesn't have a real female reproductive system. I want to have vaginal intercourse, but even if she got the operation, I also want to have kids. And not by adoption, but through actual procreation. Fast forward a few decades, maybe centuries, and I think technology might advance to the point where it's truly possible to change one's sex completely. If that ever became possible, and she looked, sounded, talked, acted, and thought like a girl, and was capable of pregnancy, then yes, I'd go for her, regardless of her past. So to answer what I'd do in the situation, well, assuming I had the feelings you described, I'd be quite torn, but I'd break it off. I wouldn't want to marry her, or even have sex. I'd probably lose all sexual attraction to her, but since we were so close, I'd probably remain good friends with her and care about her a lot, support her through the operation, and cheer her on in finding a guy that would want her.

I'd leave. Physical attraction is a necessary condition for a successful relationship, and I'm not attracted to beautiful women with peni.

Maybe, I would reconsider post-surgery. But only after a very thorough analysis.

EDIT: By the way, I wouldn't even have a problem with her lying to me either. I would just be immediately turned off by the penis.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Well, I'd never get into that situation in reality. I've never seen a man to woman transformation that I couldn't spot. I'm an extremely observant person when it comes to features, expressions and habits. Women have many subtle cues beyond boobs, pussy and (lack of) body hair that say they're a woman. Eye shape, jaw shape, hips, shoulder ratio, arm motion, Adam's apple (obviously), leg motion, smell... ways of communicating, expressions... they are all distinct and consistent to women and I've never seen a man copy it accurately, regardless of surgery or hormones. Even if in a photo it can be masked, in person it's obvious. A true give away is voice, as a woman's voice is processed by the areas of a man's brain that processes music while a man's voice is understood by the part that handles math. It doesn't matter if it's a high pitched man or low pitched woman.

You can't really know that. Of course you've never seen a man-to-woman transformation that you couldn't spot...because you didn't spot it. You have only seen the ineffective transformations. There's no reason to believe there aren't tons of perfect transformation. So there's no reason for you to believe plenty of apparent females you saw weren't actually transvestites.

You that thing called trust? Kind of a big deal and stuff, right?

Leave. It wouldn't take something this big either, and I'm an extremely forgiving person when it comes to love. But trust is a big deal in relationships, and this is a clear breach of it no matter how you slice it. Leave.

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Honestly, like Smeags I find it very difficult to picture myself in that situation. Plus I never dated in my life.

If I feel like what you describe in your post, then I would stay. But I am bisexual so..

PDF said:
I believe faking a heat attack is the right move here.

How do you fake "killing it with fire"?

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

I would definitely leave although I would hope that I would realise that something was amiss long before falling for them.

Basically when it comes down to it I am only attracted to females sexually and would only go for natural born females as I do not consider post op "females" to be female at all but rather mutilated males.
When it comes to transsexuals I am even less inclined.



Considering that I would most likely find out on the 1st 2nd or 3rd date, I would not be angry about the deception. If it was something that was going on for years I could totally understand freaking out, but not after a few weeks.

In regards to what I would do, I'd probably give it a shot (assuming this is some spectacular soulmate whatever type like the op said). Most likely, it would end eventually, but who knows, it could be interesting. If nothing else, it would be an amusing anecdote to tell, and it would give me some idea as to whether or not gay/bi whatever relationships would be viable for me.

Frankly, I would think the most unusual aspect of the relationship would be that we would have so much in common, and not the fact that it is actually just another guy. Most men and women have virtually nothing in common ... at least that has been my experience (and it still is with my current relationship). Being romantically invovled with someone that shares my interests would be quite refreshing to the point that it would offset any odd feelings I would have about the homosexuality.