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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony is too cheap, And it's annoying me!

Locknuts said:
DucksUnlimited said:
Locknuts said:
Sony: Best multiplats

Microsoft/Nintendo: Best exclusives

Metacritic disagrees

Hardly any of the games are out yet. I wasn't very specific but I meant it appears that this will be the trend this coming gen.

I know. I'm saying that historically, Playstation exlusives have actually averaged the highest in terms of review scores. Somebody actually made a thread on it. So your prediction that they will have the worst exclusives this gen is pretty baseless.

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My PS4 has actually 2! Apps, DVD is not running, I have Knack. Even YouTube is not working (update: open Web browser YouTube/ Killzone is a big let Down. Yeah now I feel like caught by hype for something that isn't and I really don't see in the future. I dunno, but Quantum Break, Titanfall, Gears from Black Tusk, Halo, Forza, Dead Rising, new Fable, Below, Ruse and Killer Instinct vs. The Order (which I really hyped for) and what else, yeah Drive Club looks promising as well.
I get myself a XO end 2014 and I think that's again the platform I end up with for the rest of Gen, like I did before. But this Time Sony's Hype and MS Bashing Machine did a well job. Now the dust is gone and I think we'll going to see clearer.

It's not that Sony's cheap, their broke.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Sony  Worth 20 Billion

MS Worth 300 billion

MS has a lot more money to do this stuff. By doing so however, their not only buying games and not really making any themselves their making people assume quantitiy is quality; it isnt. 

007BondAgent said:

You have microsoft who just brought the gears IP, they also have titanfall, exclusive dlc's for the biggest games, dead rising 3 and so on.

Then you have sony.... 30 minutes of watchdogs dlc? No third party exclusives, besides an online f2p mmo that won't be out til atleast 2015. I respect sony's attitude towards indie gaming, but i didn't spend all this money to play some silly little 2 hour indie game.

Lastly. The only reason why i have a PS4 over the xbone is for 1 simple reason, i don't want to spend $500 on an underpowered console that plays inferior multiplats, but atleast the system has games, better games than the PS4 in fact.

Same here.

But honestly, we have to continue rooting for this.  We have to continue rooting for M$ success and bullying Sony. Why?  Because it could force Sony & Nintendo's hand, to possibly join (contractuall agreement, maybe a 10 yr deal, but no merger or acquisition) and make an ultimate console.  I hold out hope that one day, we'll get a Nintendo Playstation.

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FlamingWeazel said:

WTF? Sony does have an amazing catalogue of games, it single handedly turned Ps3 around despite everything else going wrong..

No, massive price cuts is what turned PS3 around.

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Sony doesn't need to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at publishers. The PS4 will have a strong exclusive lineup thanks to their first party teams. It's already far better than what Microsoft is putting out with the XBO. Microsoft is in desperation mode with the XBO because the PS4 is not only beating it worldwide but also in the US. MS clearly overestimated demand and have completely stuffed the channels so they're now forced to buy 3rd party exclusives in an attempt to win back the US.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Mr Puggsly said:
FlamingWeazel said:

WTF? Sony does have an amazing catalogue of games, it single handedly turned Ps3 around despite everything else going wrong..

No, massive price cuts is what turned PS3 around.

Price cut alone do not get the job done, you need games too.

Considering the fact Sony's first party was about on par or better than Nintendo's with the ps3.... I don't think Microsoft have much.. Gears and halo are big, but so are god of war and uncharted.. And halo has lost a step since cod's fps dominance, and cod is on PS as well


Fusioncode said:
Sony doesn't need to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at publishers. The PS4 will have a strong exclusive lineup thanks to their first party teams. It's already far better than what Microsoft is putting out with the XBO. Microsoft is in desperation mode with the XBO because the PS4 is not only beating it worldwide but also in the US. MS clearly overestimated demand and have completely stuffed the channels so they're now forced to buy 3rd party exclusives in an attempt to win back the US.

They are beating the Xbox One in hardware, not software and if Sony are so confident in their lineup then why are they resorting to buying 3rd party DLC?