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My PS4 has actually 2! Apps, DVD is not running, I have Knack. Even YouTube is not working (update: open Web browser YouTube/ Killzone is a big let Down. Yeah now I feel like caught by hype for something that isn't and I really don't see in the future. I dunno, but Quantum Break, Titanfall, Gears from Black Tusk, Halo, Forza, Dead Rising, new Fable, Below, Ruse and Killer Instinct vs. The Order (which I really hyped for) and what else, yeah Drive Club looks promising as well.
I get myself a XO end 2014 and I think that's again the platform I end up with for the rest of Gen, like I did before. But this Time Sony's Hype and MS Bashing Machine did a well job. Now the dust is gone and I think we'll going to see clearer.