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007BondAgent said:

You have microsoft who just brought the gears IP, they also have titanfall, exclusive dlc's for the biggest games, dead rising 3 and so on.

Then you have sony.... 30 minutes of watchdogs dlc? No third party exclusives, besides an online f2p mmo that won't be out til atleast 2015. I respect sony's attitude towards indie gaming, but i didn't spend all this money to play some silly little 2 hour indie game.

Lastly. The only reason why i have a PS4 over the xbone is for 1 simple reason, i don't want to spend $500 on an underpowered console that plays inferior multiplats, but atleast the system has games, better games than the PS4 in fact.

Same here.

But honestly, we have to continue rooting for this.  We have to continue rooting for M$ success and bullying Sony. Why?  Because it could force Sony & Nintendo's hand, to possibly join (contractuall agreement, maybe a 10 yr deal, but no merger or acquisition) and make an ultimate console.  I hold out hope that one day, we'll get a Nintendo Playstation.