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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo just needs to go third party on consoles only

drake4 said:
PenguinZ said:
drake4 said:
PenguinZ said:
drake4 said:
PenguinZ said:

This idea makes no sense whatsoever. There is no compelling argument that exists in this thread or in general for what's being suggested.

If Nintendo should go third party, then Sony and Microsoft should have gone third party years ago.

ps4 and x1 are selling great, much better then wiiu, and have full third party support, while every third pary is dropping the wiiu. if sony or x1 was in the same position i would also recommend for them to go thirdparty, it's selling like a dead console and third party's ignore you, its time to consider something else.

Well then I guess you would've have been one of the ones to suggest that Sony go third party after their blunder with the PS3... 

no i wasn't .third party support was always strong on ps3, it was pretty obvious the price was hurting the ps3, it was an easy fix, but a painful one for sony, cause of the losses, what's the fix for wiiu to start taking off, price it's already cheap, third party games don't sell, so third party's have givin up, i can't think of anything that can save the wiiu.

Yup, the fact that the Wii U failed should push Nintendo to abandon all the money they could make in the future to go third party to make smaller revenue... Do you even understand how much potential money and revenue a company loses going from a console maker to third party... I don't think you do. This is something that a company would do as a last resort... When they can no longer sustain themselves. Nintendo has had a horrible time with the Wii U, and it has been a massive failure for them, but they have the cash in the bank to build their future. It is not enough for them to give up that potential revenue.

Can you imagine how much money Nintendo would have lost if they went third party after the GameCube? I am sure you're ringing the same tune as people did during the GameCube era. I don't see anything that would heavily swing the fate of the Wii U at the moment, but that doesn't instantly doom their future.

nintendo changed there whole strategy after the gamecube, they didn't invest in the hardware at all, they released a repackaged gamecube with more ram, and a wii mote, as to say if we fail at least we didn't lose that much, but they hit the lottery with motion controls, what the chances of that happening again with techology being so advanced right now compared to 2006. they can try, but just look how much damage the wiiu has caused them.

How much damage has the Wii U really done? It could be the beginning of the end for Nintendo or a bump in the road... It all depends on how they handle it. A smart company will make the proper adjustments and build off the failure. A stupid company will make knee-jerk reactions and continue to fail. Going third party is something a stupid company might do at this point. I highly doubt Nintendo will ever match the success of the Wii/DS combo, but that doesn't mean they can't have a profitable console in the future.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

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So you needed to tell us the same thing we heard over and over and over?

you couldn't resurrect one of the 100s of threads on this topic?



At this point, I am not sure about the wii u. It needs some major price cuts for both the hardware and softwares . and some better aggressive advertisement... Then again, they need to make people interested in their product...

Praise the One.

drake4 said:

They need to just go thirdparty on consoles, they just don't have the core market that sony and microsoft, they can't compete and nintendo knows that and thats why they made the wii, and it was a huge success but thats not happening again the blue ocean market has moved on, they are stuck with out a market and no third party support, chances of being succesful are nearly impossible, the console is really hurting the company, they better focusing on handhelds and making x1 and ps4 games.

Yes, because that would totally be worth it. It obviously has worked out great for Sega, yes? Still just as great as in their glory days, yes?


Oh wait.....

DevilRising said:
drake4 said:

They need to just go thirdparty on consoles, they just don't have the core market that sony and microsoft, they can't compete and nintendo knows that and thats why they made the wii, and it was a huge success but thats not happening again the blue ocean market has moved on, they are stuck with out a market and no third party support, chances of being succesful are nearly impossible, the console is really hurting the company, they better focusing on handhelds and making x1 and ps4 games.

Yes, because that would totally be worth it. It obviously has worked out great for Sega, yes? Still just as great as in their glory days, yes?


Oh wait.....

please Sega was messing up long before they went 3rd party, they went 3rd party because they messed up and even after they did they were still good for awhile

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oniyide said:
DevilRising said:
drake4 said:

They need to just go thirdparty on consoles, they just don't have the core market that sony and microsoft, they can't compete and nintendo knows that and thats why they made the wii, and it was a huge success but thats not happening again the blue ocean market has moved on, they are stuck with out a market and no third party support, chances of being succesful are nearly impossible, the console is really hurting the company, they better focusing on handhelds and making x1 and ps4 games.

Yes, because that would totally be worth it. It obviously has worked out great for Sega, yes? Still just as great as in their glory days, yes?


Oh wait.....

please Sega was messing up long before they went 3rd party, they went 3rd party because they messed up and even after they did they were still good for awhile

So are you saying they got better going third party?

drake4 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
drake4 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
When Sony was announced doomed at the launch of the ps3... Did anyone say they should go third party? Just curious..

Nintendo just has too much problems to continue in the console race, unlike sony and microsoft, nintendo has to come with lighting in a bottle to sell it's console, while all sony and microsoft have to is provide a huge upgrade in power at a affordable price, nintendo just doesn't have a market, sony did but its price with its biggest problem, while nintendo has problems that are almost unfixable.

Well... Thats usually what the issue is with making hardware... You win some and you lose some... They won with the Wii, DS and 3ds and they are losing with the wiiU... Maybe their next one will be a success... They thought that the gamepad was enough to justify the lack of power and I doubt they saw the abandonment of third party coming in time... So, just cause of One mistake, I doubt they should go third party.... Nintendo needs their hardware to make their games and only Nintendo can really make their hardware sing

The thing is were talking about there console hardware line, and nintendo has lost 3 out of the 4 consoles, n64, GC and wiiu, and  the only reason wii won is cause they caught lighting in a bottle, which is very tough to achieve just look at the virtual boy and othere gimmicks released. if you tell me nintendo can fix there problems with there next console i can agree, but nintedo next console is more like flipping a quarter, and i will probably anothere huge disaster, with no third party support and an even weaker fanbase after the wiiu, they just don't have a market.

You're cherry picking with the number of consoles Nintendo have released and those that have 'failed'. You're forgetting the NES and SNES which were both raging success'. And the projected losses are in Yen, not US dollars. Everything you say is wrong, and is just Nintendo bashing at its worst. Also, you need to learn how to write better, it's difficult to understand what you're saying from poor spelling to bad grammar.

Multishanks said:
oniyide said:
DevilRising said:
drake4 said:

They need to just go thirdparty on consoles, they just don't have the core market that sony and microsoft, they can't compete and nintendo knows that and thats why they made the wii, and it was a huge success but thats not happening again the blue ocean market has moved on, they are stuck with out a market and no third party support, chances of being succesful are nearly impossible, the console is really hurting the company, they better focusing on handhelds and making x1 and ps4 games.

Yes, because that would totally be worth it. It obviously has worked out great for Sega, yes? Still just as great as in their glory days, yes?


Oh wait.....

please Sega was messing up long before they went 3rd party, they went 3rd party because they messed up and even after they did they were still good for awhile

So are you saying they got better going third party?

im saying it didnt get worst. they put out alot of nonsense and crap right after the Genesis, got better with Dreamcast damage was already done, they pretty much carried the DC like stuff with them to the PS2/GC/Xbox hell most of the games on those systems were enchanced ports and sequels. and the portable stuff was pretty good. Sega only just recently messed up but its fallacy that it was because they went 3rd party, they fell off for the same reasons, Tecmo, SE, Capcom etc fell off.

Lyrikalstylez said:
I want to play Zelda possibly co op and smash bros on a real dedicated gaming network!

Ps4 or xbox one, I font give a shit.... Just become 3rd party and take my money

Hyrule Warriors?

drake4 said:
RolStoppable said:
SubiyaCryolite said:


In summary you dont need inferior hardware, radically new controllers that get dropped after one generation and zero third party support to be "unique". It wouldnt hurt to have a reasonably powerful, well executed,  conventional console with compelling games, good online and extra features either.

Don't you have a PC to play third party games on?

most console owners don't have gaming pc, infact most only own one console, only the very hardcore own 2 consoles or console+pc combo. every console has exclusives i'm interested in, sony 1st party being the best for me, nintendo coming in second and microsoft coming in third but if sony switched places with nintedno weaker hardware, no thid party support, i would choose nintedo console in a second.

Just buy a cheap Windows 7 PC and you will have at least PS3/360 graphics.