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Forums - Sony Discussion - Am I the only one who hasn't caught the PS4 hype?

Slade6alpha said:
I have a PS4 and even I honestly don't see the massive hype. Sony did a fantastic job pre-launch and it's obviously been VERY successful for them, but I prefer the One over it. JUST MY ONIONS!!!

Can I have some onions?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Xen said:
My hype only lies in future titles, and I'll only be getting one when they're out,
So, not the only one.


Yep. I'm not going to buy a ps4 just for infamous. I'll wait till kh3

Slade6alpha said:
I have a PS4 and even I honestly don't see the massive hype. Sony did a fantastic job pre-launch and it's obviously been VERY successful for them, but I prefer the One over it. JUST MY ONIONS!!!

Good to hear. I heard a lot of PS4 owners boasting about teh amazing COD/ Battlefield 4 graphics and how that alone makes it better than the competition. I'm pretty sure or hope that he graphic worshippers are the minority of PS4 owners.

Madword said:
Chris Hu said:
No, not hyped for the PS4 either enjoying the X1 (Dead Rising 3) though.

Played the demo of DR3 at work... wow it was a massive disappointment for me :( - terrible bluring when turning, pretty low res visuals, the usual OTT boss battles and poor controls. It's the one game that would have made me seriously consider the console at launch. Hoping for DR4 they mix it up a bit, because it has so much potential (the amount of zombies on screen is amazing).

Even after putting the controller down disappointed and moaning about the same issues that DR2 had, I still wanted to buy it....haha, I love me some zombies.

You can never judge a game by a demo.  From what I have heard the demo is not very good.  Currenty on my 4th playthrough and over 100,000 zombies killed and loving every minute of it.  Will probably get the season pass once it goes on sale also.  Of couse I'm pretty biased towards the game since I like every one since the first one.  Also the controls are very good the only thing that is anoying is that they made the special unarmed moves hard to pull of like in the first game.

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After gaming on PS4, its hard going to PS3. Going to WiiU after PS4 is a bitch to, X1 I can do its fast nuf.

I could not play any game if I can play on the two power beats, especially PS4. GT6 load times kill me, hell even Forza 5 load time are crazy long for it being new gen.

Its like you can drive to work in traffic in a ford, or you can drive a ferrari on the autobahn to work. your chocie.

Nope. I've managed to play around with my cousin's PS4, which has only managed to quell what interest I had in the console. It just feels like a PS3. And then there's knack... all those good testimonials, I wonder if any of them had actually played a decent platformer before.

I've been more interested in the Xbone, since their reveals, I at least want to try out Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 3,. But I've been turned off by the initial Kinect and DRM malarkey.

I might get one of the others when the decent exclusives start coming out, but until then, I'm more than happy playing my Wii U.

After PS4 it is hard go back to any other console.

ethomaz said:
After PS4 it is hard go back to any other console.

Really? What do you enjoy about PS4 the most?

I do not have the hype for it right now. Maybe when they reveal LBP for ps4 i will.


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