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Forums - Sales Discussion - Seven early takeaways from the eighth generation

Mad World
Deadly Creatures
The Conduit
Cursed Mountain
Dead Space: Extraction
A Boy and his Blob
De Blob

Those at least were some 3rd party releases I enjoyed on Wii that came out way after the dust had settled and the system was reduced to mini game/fitness/dance game fodder.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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RolStoppable said:
NightDragon83 said:
Good read but I wish people would stop calling the Wii U the "spiritual successor to the GameCube". The GameCube wasn't a generation behind in power, nor did it have 3rd party companies avoiding it like the plague... in fact many of the big multiplatform titles of that generation were released on the GC alongside the PS2 and Xbox versions, and the GC even had a respectable lineup of 3rd party exclusives.

Can't say any of that for the Wii U, which only receives ports of last-gen versions for 3rd party games (if it receives a version at all).

Third parties began to abandon the GameCube as soon as 2003, that's when the general consensus was formed that Nintendo was going to be the next Sega. The next Nintendo console was never going to see as much initial support as the GameCube did. Even you acknowledge that power is not the issue for the Wii U in your last sentence. The Wii U picked up where the GameCube left off: Lack of multiplatform releases, even though the power is there.

Yes, third parties started to curtail support for the GC in 2003... 2 years after the system's release and after the PS2 had already been established as the de facto lead platform of the generation with the Xbox carving out its own niche among Western / PC crossover gamers.  Third parties started jumping ship from the Wii U before it was even released!

And c'mon... power is not the issue for the Wii U???  It may not be THE issue, but it is a big reason why the console's third party support is so lacking.  Imagine if the GC's hardware was on par with, say, the Dreamcast when it was released in 2001... it would've been dead in the water compared to the PS2 and Xbox.

The power is NOT there for the Wii U... why should developers be forced to devote extra time and resources to develop a separate version of a game that was initially planned with the PS4 / Xbox One / typical gaming PC's specs in mind, and on a console whose primary audience either doesn't care or or outright refuses to buy 90% of titles from third parties anyway?

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

The GCN actually had a different architechture to the PS2/Xbox. It led to some games being axed before release (Max Payne anyone?) and a fair few of the games that did make it across ran like shit (Hitman 2?) despite coming out many months later.

There are multiple reasons for games selling worse on one format than another. But I do think 3p's screwed over the GCN using games launching 6 months later, then not selling well as the reason not to make sequels available on GCN. But why would you expect a late port to do anywhere near as well?

But yeah, Wii U is weaker than PS4 or XBONE, doesn't stop them doing a PS3/360 port though (Tomb Raider etc.) on a purely technical front it's possible. However, the awful sales that games such as FIFA and Need for Speed saw, means most 3rd parties know a Wii U version of a game is dead money right now.

It's just not intrinsically linked to the GameCube sales of 3rd party games.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

FlamingWeazel said:
MikeRox said:
Third parties made the decision to write off the Wii in 2005/2006 prior to release and completely missed it's potential to resonate with a wider audience.

This is why third party software was all so poor in the early days of the Wii back when gamers in particular were still hungry for Wii software. By the time they'd realised there was a huge market on Wii and started to make proper games for it, the 2-3 year development cycle of the software meant they had missed their chance.

"Hardcore gamers" had already given up on the Wii for anything beyond Nintendo software and the new "casual" gamers didn't give a crap about those games.

So while Nintendo have never really been great with their 3rd party relationships, a lot of the 3rd party issues on Wii lie squarely at the foot of the 3rd party developers.

No the onus is on Nintendo to harness third party support and NO ONE slse, this is all nintendos doing.

not to mention it was all on Ninty when they decided to make cheap hardware that was essentially an overclocked GC, 3rd parties already had moved on to more powerful engines and HW

MikeRox said:
Mad World
Deadly Creatures
The Conduit
Cursed Mountain
Dead Space: Extraction
A Boy and his Blob
De Blob

Those at least were some 3rd party releases I enjoyed on Wii that came out way after the dust had settled and the system was reduced to mini game/fitness/dance game fodder. a sad list of games IMHO. and lets not kid ourselves. the Wii was minigame/fitness/dance game fodder from day ONE. And thsoe just happen to be the most popular games

Around the Network
MikeRox said:
Mad World
Deadly Creatures
The Conduit
Cursed Mountain
Dead Space: Extraction
A Boy and his Blob
De Blob

Those at least were some 3rd party releases I enjoyed on Wii that came out way after the dust had settled and the system was reduced to mini game/fitness/dance game fodder.

Of that list I liked Goldeneye. That's it. The Wii was a horrible disappointment for me.

Locknuts said:
MikeRox said:
Mad World
Deadly Creatures
The Conduit
Cursed Mountain
Dead Space: Extraction
A Boy and his Blob
De Blob

Those at least were some 3rd party releases I enjoyed on Wii that came out way after the dust had settled and the system was reduced to mini game/fitness/dance game fodder.

Of that list I liked Goldeneye. That's it. The Wii was a horrible disappointment for me.

That's fair dos, but did you play all of the? A Boy and his Blob especially for me represents a lot of what I love in gaming. So if you played that and didn't like it, we have completely different tastes in gaming.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

MikeRox said:
Locknuts said:
MikeRox said:
Mad World
Deadly Creatures
The Conduit
Cursed Mountain
Dead Space: Extraction
A Boy and his Blob
De Blob

Those at least were some 3rd party releases I enjoyed on Wii that came out way after the dust had settled and the system was reduced to mini game/fitness/dance game fodder.

Of that list I liked Goldeneye. That's it. The Wii was a horrible disappointment for me.

That's fair dos, but did you play all of the? A Boy and his Blob especially for me represents a lot of what I love in gaming. So if you played that and didn't like it, we have completely different tastes in gaming.

Admittedly no. I did play the rest though. 

kitler53 said:
where's the funny?
