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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mario 64 Proves That Fans Are Wrong Saying "It's Fine For A Launch Title"

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Conina said:
d21lewis said:
I stand behind the message of this thread. People are trying to argue saying that Mario 64 or whatever is a broken game by today's standards? What the fuck!?

Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say "Mario 64 or whatever", I was talking about the Saturn version of Daytona USA, a racing game with undeniable performance issues. That was exactly that kind of game that was rushed to be in stores at console launch date and would be patched later nowadays. With no patches, SEGA fans had to sugarcoat it.

I'm not putting anything in your mouth (unless you ask me...*winks*).  I was just speaking in general.  You're not the only one that said something along those lines.  I said "People".  The same people that say Mario 64 is a mess of a game--yet it got 10/10 scores in its day.

I never played a Saturn.

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I really liked Daitona USA on Saturn.

And Call of Duty 2 was a launch tittle too.

Conina said:
NightDragon83 said:

I'm sure if Sony and M$ delayed PSOne (see what I did there?)

Yes, I see it and I don't like it... there is already a PSOne out there, some people will get confused if this expression for "PS4 + Xbox One" gets popular.

Why not XP4, X1P4, PX4 or P4X1?


I tend to use 4Bone, I've seen a few people use it but not many. Chances are one version or another will catch on most and that'll become the standard

Kongfucius said:

I tend to use 4Bone, I've seen a few people use it but not many. Chances are one version or another will catch on most and that'll become the standard


PS360 was really good... fits perfectlly.

ethomaz said:

Kongfucius said:

I tend to use 4Bone, I've seen a few people use it but not many. Chances are one version or another will catch on most and that'll become the standard


PS360 was really good... fits perfectlly.

Maybe, could be any PlayStation though. I know people here would know what you were saying but I'd rather be specific. I agree about PS360, shame there isn't something so obvious this gen

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ethomaz said:

Sorry guys to be me again here in VGC.

I'm reading since the Xbone and PS4 launch that excuse from the fans trying defend the rushed stated of the launch titles for their system.. It is easy to read "What did you expected? It is a launch title".


Be or not be a Launch title is not a excuse for bad or rushed games.

Forza 5 have low content because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Killzone have a boring SP because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Knack have low scores because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Battlefield 4 is unplayable because it is a launch title? Bullshit.
Xbone can't do 1080p because it is a launch title? Bullshit.

All excuse without any credibility.

I'm a PlayStation Fanboy Master and I will tell you what I think from the games I played:

+ Killzone SF: Mediocre SP but Amazing MP... sorry but GG could worked better on SP.
+ Resogun: Amazing but short... again the guys could give us more.
+ Contrast: Good but with so many bugs.
+ Battlefield 4: Forget this franchise for ever.
+ Knack: Good game wihtout any soul.

To avoid flamebait I will hide for myself what I think from the Xbone launch titles.

Now about Mario 64? It was a launch title and never felt rushed or incomplete... no it is a FULL LAUNCH TITLE EXPIRENCE.. the best 3D Mario already created...

So why people thing "launch title" is an excuse? Bullshit.

I think you missed one very important point:  Super Mario 64 was done by Nintendo, and Nintendo bucks all trends.  They're not the status quo, they're the outlier.  They're not the norm, they're the exception.  

Super Mario 64 being such a great, well-loved classic is not something that can be expected of most launch titles, because most launch titles are not Mario.  

I honestly can't think of many other launch titles that were classics.  (I said many, not any) 

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d21lewis said:
I stand behind the message of this thread. People are trying to argue saying that Mario 64 or whatever is a broken game by today's standards? What the fuck!? At the time, most of the launch games mentioned were fucking mindblowing and felt like something from the future. "By today's standards", EVERY launch game that pushed the envelope would be flawed!

Halo, Soul Calibur, Mario 64, F-Zero, Call of Duty 2 (I think was a launch game) Ridge Racer--these games raised the bar on day one. Until fairly recently, most consoles launched with at least one "must have" AAA title. Meanwhile, I'm trying to make myself get excited enough to want to buy a PS4 or Xbox One and what I see on shelves just isn't doing it. Maybe EVERYBODY (including Wii U) launched before they were ready.

One thing I've noticed, however, is that critics have been particularly harsh this gen.  I honestly think most reviewers and gamers have caught onto the idea that we all know that later in the generation, we will get better games, so we have to start over. 

When Mario 64 came out, it was new and exciting because it was a 3D game, after decades of games that were in 2D.  It was something revolutionary, new, and interesting.  In retrospect, I don't think it was all that good (much like pretty much any N64 of PS1 game), but at the time, hooooly shit, THIS IS A 3D WORLD! 

This generation doesn't have that wow factor.  there's not a lot of 'new' left to be had.  To get the exceptional launch titles, we need games with something new and exciting, not just prettier versions of games we already have.  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

ethomaz, name another console released between June 1996 and September 1999. The PS1 was already out and doing great on its own, they were alone in releasing a console, and it was set to be the most powerful one available, they had the time needed to get Mario 64 as good as possible as it was the flagship title for demonstrating the systems power.

Only two titles were playable as of november 1995, indeed the only two titles available at launch were pilotwings and mario 64, so they had their entire team developing a successor to the snes, and working on the game.

These days we expect dozens of titles available at launch where multiple systems are vying for the consumers attention, using mario 64 as "proof" that "its a launch title what do you expect" is critically flawed.

I agree that its bullshit that "its a launch game" should be used as an excuse, but using mario 64 is going the wrong way about bringing up the point.

don't forget new super Mario bros U!


"The development of Super Mario 64 took less than two years, but it was reported that producer and director Shigeru Miyamoto had conceived of a 3D Mario game concept over five years before, while working on Star Fox."

Plus, Mario is not as detail determinant game like Forza that every car needs to be true to its real life self.