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ethomaz, name another console released between June 1996 and September 1999. The PS1 was already out and doing great on its own, they were alone in releasing a console, and it was set to be the most powerful one available, they had the time needed to get Mario 64 as good as possible as it was the flagship title for demonstrating the systems power.

Only two titles were playable as of november 1995, indeed the only two titles available at launch were pilotwings and mario 64, so they had their entire team developing a successor to the snes, and working on the game.

These days we expect dozens of titles available at launch where multiple systems are vying for the consumers attention, using mario 64 as "proof" that "its a launch title what do you expect" is critically flawed.

I agree that its bullshit that "its a launch game" should be used as an excuse, but using mario 64 is going the wrong way about bringing up the point.