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    L7: Hunter(9,386 until level 8)
    • A 37 year old male gamer
    • United States, California
    • Joined on July 15th 2012, last online 19 hours ago.
    • Profile Views: 36,630
    • Forum posts: 4,638 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 2,700.00
    You have liked 10 posts.
    You have 70 liked posts.
    Your most liked post has 4 likes.

    Badges: (view all)

    The High Flyer Earned 40 badges.
    12 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 12 years.
    Man or Robot? Managed to avoid being banned for 10 years.
    11 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 11 years.
    10 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 10 years.
    9 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 9 years.
    Freezing Logged in on Christmas day.
    Happy Birthday Logged in on your birthday.
    8 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 8 years.
    7 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 7 years.
    It's a Start Bank a Total of 2,000 VG$.
    A Civilized Man Managed to avoid being banned for 5 years.
    A Free Man Managed to avoid being banned for 2 years.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.



    Education: Post-grad program

    Height: 5'2

    Build: Other

    Eye colour: Brown

    Hair colour: Black

    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

    Relationship status: Partner

    Favourite Games:

    all of 'em if i have my hands on it....

    Favourite Music:

    Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, The White Stripes, R.E.M., Blur, Feist, Bjork, The Beatles, Tom Waits, Damien Rice...

    Favourite Books:

    Haruki Murakami, JD Salinger, Zadie Smith, Thomas Harris, Stephen King, JK Rowling (yes, i fucking admit), mostly fiction...

    Game Stats

    aikohualda hasn't added any games yet!