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Forums - Sales Discussion - KZ > ryze and dead ryzing, KZ > Forza NPD

theprof00 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Well if the console sold more and this is like the only good exclusive available on it, why would you expect anything different?

Now I'm actually not impressed by KZ numbers to be honest. Even if it is not the best game out there, it is still a shooter and being the only good exclusive during the launch window I was expecting it to do way better than that...

So you must be really disappointed by the xb1 games then?

I'm disapointed by you reading comprehension actually.

First I did not say I was dispapointed in any way.
Second, (again if you would take the time to read) I did not see any exclusive shooter (which is the easy seller gender) on the Xbox One last time I checked...

Now if the Xbox One had an exclusive shooter (big name like Killzone), let's say Halo or Gears I would be disapointed if they get the same kind of results than KZ...

Edit: Like I mentionned in my next post, I also forgot to considerate COD/Battlefield coming out at the same time. So I guess KZ did okay simply because it has to deal with two at the same time.

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Kane1389 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Well if the console sold more and this is like the only good exclusive available on it, why would you expect anything different?

Now I'm actually not impressed by KZ numbers to be honest. Even if it is not the best game out there, it is still a shooter and being the only good exclusive during the launch window I was expecting it to do way better than that...

But its not a good game and it went head on against COD and Battlefield. You think people bought PS4 to play COD in higher resolution? They bought PS4 to experience the next gen feel and Killzone so far is the only game that does that and it really shows the difference between the PS4 and Xbone. 

The hype around the game was for its graphics, not any other qualities which the game was lacking

True, COD/Battlefield did not help so maybe my expectations for a bit unfair:)
Regarding the graphical quality, it is definitely the one people should get on the PS4; I strongly believe that. 

XxGame4lifexX said:

Like i've said before. Ps4 had less launch exclusives
less games = higher chances of higher sales
more games = higher chances of less sales 
xbox gamers have more to choose from so obviously sales would be lower.

I know you're repeating yourself, but the reason it may not be sinking in is because that's a hard argument to make.

What you're implying, is that the exclusives exist outside the scope of the library. Sure, if the exclusives were the only games available, you'd have a point. More sales would get lumped onto the fewer products. But here we can see that the exclusives aren't in a vacuum, as shown by the much higher sales of the multiplats.

My point is, saying KZ got more sales because there is less competition is very hard to argue. If the game couldn't earn sales on its own merit, people would have bought the much more popular multiplat games, not a different exclusive.

d21lewis said:
I'll use an old excuse I used to hear in the 7th gen. Microsoft fans aren't just into big first person shooters. The Xbox One fanbase is diverse so they purchase multiple genres....even though an FPS is the most purchased game on the system. PS4=ShooterStation.

You can use this excuse when a multitude of the PS4s "big" games are shooters and they outsell everything else on the PS4 :)

I realize you're joking, but it is true for PS. What's upcoming for PS4 that people are talking about? inFAMOUS, The Order: 1866, Driveclub. What's coming up for XBone that people are talking about? Titanfall, Halo, Quantum Break. Free roam, action adventure and racing vs. shooter, shooter, shooter. Tell me which is more diverse

Imaginedvl said:
theprof00 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Well if the console sold more and this is like the only good exclusive available on it, why would you expect anything different?

Now I'm actually not impressed by KZ numbers to be honest. Even if it is not the best game out there, it is still a shooter and being the only good exclusive during the launch window I was expecting it to do way better than that...

So you must be really disappointed by the xb1 games then?

I'm disapointed by you reading comprehension actually.

First I did not say I was dispapointed in any way.
Second, (again if you would take the time to read) I did not see any exclusive shooter (which is the easy seller gender) on the Xbox One last time I checked...

Now if the Xbox One had an exclusive shooter (big name like Killzone), let's say Halo or Gears I would be disapointed if they get the same kind of results than KZ...

Edit: Like I mentionned in my next post, I also forgot to considerate COD/Battlefield coming out at the same time. So I guess KZ did okay simply because it has to deal with two at the same time.

Here come the dramatics. Lay off the ad hominem attacks dude.

Secondly, I read your post again and did not read " I did not see any exclusive shooter (which is the easy seller gender) on the Xbox One last time I checked...". Maybe instead of attacking my reading comprehension you should be more clear about what you're saying, or at least more understanding when someone doesn't automatically assume that by "it's a shooter", you meant that it only sold better because of that, despite going up against BF4 and COD.

EDIT: I'm not going to rewrite this, but I just read your edit. I tend to write as I read. Anyway. Just try to be a little more polite in conversation. KZ did very well. Sure you're not impressed, but I am. This is one of the faster selling KZ's to date. Updating the OP with numbers.

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theprof00 said:

Looks like Killzone handily outsold every exclusive on xbox one.

It outsold Ryze and Dead Ryzing combined, and beat Forza by 30%.

459k in USA.

Could be 1m world wide already.

Forza: 332k
Ryze: 204k
Dead Rising: 246k

Killzone is currently the best game to show what the NExt-gen PS4 can poduce in terms of graphic. It's not surprising numbers. THere was also 300k pre-orded KZ before the USA release of PS4. It also benefited from being the only good exclusive title on PS4 and some gamers not paying attention to reviews.

It was also release a week earlier and PS4 as a larger install base but it is doing well.


theprof00 said:
Imaginedvl said:

I'm disapointed by you reading comprehension actually.

First I did not say I was dispapointed in any way.
Second, (again if you would take the time to read) I did not see any exclusive shooter (which is the easy seller gender) on the Xbox One last time I checked...

Now if the Xbox One had an exclusive shooter (big name like Killzone), let's say Halo or Gears I would be disapointed if they get the same kind of results than KZ...

Edit: Like I mentionned in my next post, I also forgot to considerate COD/Battlefield coming out at the same time. So I guess KZ did okay simply because it has to deal with two at the same time.

Here come the dramatics. Lay off the ad hominem attacks dude.

Secondly, I read your post again and did not read " I did not see any exclusive shooter (which is the easy seller gender) on the Xbox One last time I checked...". Maybe instead of attacking my reading comprehension you should be more clear about what you're saying, or at least more understanding when someone doesn't automatically assume that by "it's a shooter", you meant that it only sold better because of that, despite going up against BF4 and COD.

EDIT: I'm not going to rewrite this, but I just read your edit. I tend to write as I read. Anyway. Just try to be a little more polite in conversation. KZ did very well. Sure you're not impressed, but I am. This is one of the faster selling KZ's to date. Updating the OP with numbers.

I'm not in a mood of debating about politness with you right now, let's say I was a bit harsh but certainly not harsher than you when you are patronizing other members in some of your replies (we can talk about that in PM if you want to continue this interresting conversation).

As far the OP, yah I got that, you were impressed with KZ sales. And I just gave my point of view on the same topic (the KZ sales in general) but like I said in my edit; considerating COD and Battlefield; it was not bad at all :)

Forza 5 will have better legs than Killzone: Shadow Fall.

selnor1983 said:
Weedlab said:
selnor1983 said:
I wonder what the sales of All exclusives together are.

Ryse + DR3 + Forza 5 + Zoo Tycoon


KZ and Knack.

After all its good sales for KZ, but really the only option for PS fans for like 6 months.

So since they can't beat KZ individually you have to combine figures, really? Of course those 4 are going to eclipse the latter 2, genius.


As for the second part ... DriveClub is said to be releasing in Feb and inFAMOUS in March. Yea .... you do the math, good sir.

Thats the point. Theres more variety and more games on offer to MS buyers. Whereas PS4 buyers just have KZ really. Unlss you opt for PS4 as a 3rd party system. So yes, it makes ALOT of sense to point this out.

Sorry 4- 6 months. Still a long time to wait to have a possible 4 exclusives which by that time Xbox One will have 7.

If we are going to do that, why not add the sales of *all* launch games together (exclusive and not exclusive) for each platform and see which comes out on top, because surely thats the most important right? 

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

jamesmarkus87 said:
Forza 5 will have better legs than Killzone: Shadow Fall.

If PS4 have more sales then I can't see that happen.