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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does Sony Cater To Arrogant Fans?

Videokameras said:

I rather have arrogance than phonyness, dishonesty and opportunism


Also being unloyal i find much worse than arrigance

OHHHHHHHH!!! Shots fired!!! SHOTS FIRED!!!

That said, I don't see Sony as being arrogant. In fact, they managed to finally regain some common sense by getting rid of their post 2007 arrogance.

If you look at everything Sony has done with the PS4, they actually haven't done anything industry defining at all (apart from creating a powerful box). It's all stuff we could have predicted with some common sense. Rather it's MS's unholy screwups that make Sony look like some kind of hero sent down from the heavens to save the world. Sony has just done a good job of demonstrating that.

In summary, it's MS's fault for trying to do whatever the heck they were trying to do.


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Sony doesn't cater to arrogant fans. What Sony did and what they've always done is dominate in some form or fashion and giving people reasons to buy their box. Usually they do it by being the company where all the games generally are. On the PS1 and PS2 this was the case and on the PS3 side it was all about the exclusives. Sony created a passionate fanbase just like Nintendo did in their prime because they had a bit of everything for everyone and they still do to this day.

If you watch basketball, Sony is like the Miami Heat. Even if they lose they still win because they've impressed in some form or fashion and they are used to winning. 

We'll it seems to work, Sony had sold more consoles then anyone since ps1 launched.

Anfebious said:
DonFerrari said:

Well my wife and me think PS3 is the most beautifull console ever created (more than PS4 and the others)

It's ok I don't judge tastes, but damn for me the PS3 must be one of the most ugly consoles released. Specially the FAT one.

Hm, I must say I'm with DonFerrari on this one, although the fat PS3 is impractical in many ways (weight, size,stacking) I think it's a real looker.

The only console design I prefer is the PS2 slim, because it's elegant and extremely small and light weight.

"[Wii] is a lollipop, and I'm too old for lollipops." Brilliant quote.

Sony never stopped being arrogant, but since 360 has been on the losing side of the console war for a little over a year now, their words don't really come off as arrogant anymore.

Still, Sony poeps much bet absolutely shocked how after 6 years, they have only just caught up with Xbox 1.5. Sony lost a lot of ground this gen and I think the damage is irreversible.

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UltimateUnknown said:
Videokameras said:

I rather have arrogance than phonyness, dishonesty and opportunism


Also being unloyal i find much worse than arrigance

OHHHHHHHH!!! Shots fired!!! SHOTS FIRED!!!

That said, I don't see Sony as being arrogant. In fact, they managed to finally regain some common sense by getting rid of their post 2007 arrogance.

If you look at everything Sony has done with the PS4, they actually haven't done anything mind bogglingly amazing at all. It's all stuff we could have predicted with some common sense. Rather it's MS's unholy screwups that make Sony look like some kind of hero sent down from the heavens to save the world. Sony has just done a good job of demonstrating that.

In summary, it's MS's fault for trying to do whatever the heck they were trying to do.

We could just say they have a good PR.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

foodfather said:
"[Wii] is a lollipop, and I'm too old for lollipops." Brilliant quote.

Sony never stopped being arrogant, but since 360 has been on the losing side of the console war for a little over a year now, their words don't really come off as arrogant anymore.

Still, Sony poeps much bet absolutely shocked how after 6 years, they have only just caught up with Xbox 1.5. Sony lost a lot of ground this gen and I think the damage is irreversible.

I bet he loved lolicons.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Arrogance is ignorance's disguise.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

All consoles have their share of arrogant fans, some are more clever about it though.

You made me remember how annoying Sony's PR used to be. High profile employees tend to lose their minds when they're the underdogs in the business like Sony used to be back then and how Microsoft is right now with X1 and their stupid tablets. It makes me think of how much Sony has matured in how it reaches their costumers and that arrogance is not always a bad thing: the video about used games sharing for PS4, all Kevin Butler's advertisements, Jack Tretton's E3 2013 presentation, apple's Mac vs PC campaign are good examples of when companies use arrogance as an effective resource to persuade and sympathize with their potential costumers (while sounding cool and sell themselves as the "good guys") and not to yell at their faces to "deal with it" when they're fucking them like Microsoft has done recently.

In my personal opinion, I find Jack Tretton annoying most of the time because of his arrogance and bad taste jokes, one of the most boring guys from Sony. Mark Cerny is a pretty cool and mature guy even though he has a disturbing/creepy appearance, Steve Jobs was narcisist and arrogant to death, but still mature and cool. Steve Ballmer is arrogant and immature like a 12 year old child to the point of being entertaining if you don't take him very seriously. I like Bill Gates (even though I don't like his company) because he's not arrogant to me and he's a very simple, down to earth guy besides being socially awkward and uncool.