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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Lost World - Review Score List

Anfebious said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

 I only buy consoles after the first five games Im looking for show up:
List went like this:

1) Wonferful 101

2) Sonic

3) Bayonetta

4) Mario Kart

5) X

I'll wait until Nintendo has filled the list. Being that they lack the third parties they must make it up with exclusives.

The List is pretty much left with the strongest games I've noticed thus far.

Well that is a good list! You could replace Sonic with Super Mario 3D World or wait for another game! But yeah it seems that the Wii U will be your last console to get xD

1) Killer Instinct

2) Halo 5

3) Forza 5

4) Titan Fall

5)  *Vacant*

Yeah...Microsoft is doing one slot better than Nintendo now. I was hoping Nintendo would kick it up a notch with the AAA, especially since they have such varied games.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:

1) Killer Instinct

2) Halo 5

3) Forza 5

4) Titan Fall

5)  *Vacant*

Yeah...Microsoft is doing one slot better than Nintendo now.

But what about Ryse? I know it has a lot of bad press but it could be interesting! Also you have to count Quantum Break, I didn't saw any gameplay video but people say it is going to be awesome!

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Anfebious said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

1) Killer Instinct

2) Halo 5

3) Forza 5

4) Titan Fall

5)  *Vacant*

Yeah...Microsoft is doing one slot better than Nintendo now.

But what about Ryse? I know it has a lot of bad press but it could be interesting! Also you have to count Quantum Break, I didn't saw any gameplay video but people say it is going to be awesome!

I don't exactly know what Quantum Break is just yet and Ryse....maybe later in the bargain bin. That game is going to be purchased for its single player mode. The multiplayer isnt really impressing anyone.

Fuck those reviews ... it looks fun. I'll judge for myself, but most times I don't agree with reviews anyway.


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this looks like it will end up like zombiu, reviews all over the place but i loved that game

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oniyide said:
prayformojo said:
oniyide said:
prayformojo said:
It's interesting to witness the 20 something's take on games that are difficult. It seems like growing up on GameCube has caused alot of these people to be soft and spoiled and dock games for being difficult. If these same people were reviewing during the NES/SNES era, almost the entire industry would have been covered in 1/10 scores.

I now know what Cranky Kong was talking about back in the day.

no, if people actuall read the reviews they would see that the difficulty is coming from bad level desing and not so great mechanics, that isnt difficulty that is frustration.

"Bad design" is relative to the reviewer. That's why the scores and reviews are all over the place. I assure you, had Metroid or Kid Icarus been released these days, or the original Contra? They'd have been destroyed for having "bad design" and being "frustrating" or "lacking check points". People are softer these days. If a game can't be beaten casually, it's docked points.

dark/demon souls says hi, fact is they dont make much of those kinds of games anymore and when they do they dont get low scores, show me somes that have.

Sure, just check out Gamespot's Luigis Mansion Dark Moon review. I think it got a 6 because according to the reviewer, there was a lack of check point on one level, meaning if you died had to replay the entire level. Seriously. I'm not making this up.

So,,, that venture beat review, huh.

Lol apparently the 3DS version works better

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
So,,, that venture beat review, huh.

Lol apparently the 3DS version works better

Going by the reviews, I don't know what to think of the 3DS version. It has roughly the same metascore, but there doesn't seem to be much consistency between it and the Wii U version reviews.

In the end, it doesn't look like either favored all that well.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

It looks to me that its like every other Sonic game since they broke the cycle,but its harder and cheaper at times.

I'd have designed some levels/aspects differently

If I'm going to be spending money such as $50 or more on the videogame I hope the quality to be high. because that's a lot of money not being spent on food mortgage or utilities