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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft fans we can keep the threads clean ourselves.

Good luck with that.

It's just that simple.

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Carl2291 said:
The problem with derailment is that a lot of people simply dont kill it at the root, they have to tell the troll to go fuck itself with the bridge its hiding under.

You said it yourself in the OP. Report. Move along. They will get bored of looking for a bite and they should get moderated.

Ive been reporting a whole lot more recently and its hilarious to see the people youre reporting get banned. It makes me feel warm inside. Its just brilliant I was reading a thread recently and reported ~10 posts at once. It was glorious. I literally cant wait to see the bans roll in.

Reporting works. You will never get rid of every trouble causer, but thinning the ranks is a start.

I got banned for a month unfairly, and before that 3 weeks relatively unfairly. I'm most certainly not the only one. I don't like you at all anymore after this post. You sound like a dip&*#@


Moderated - Kresnik.

Here we go again. All the best i guess.

Selnor, the motivation behind this thread is certainly admirable. But I can't help but cringe at your blind optimism sometimes. You're entertaining at least.

kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
Unilateral disarmament doesn't work.

i feel for Ms fans as they do get alot of stick in there own threads which shouldn't happen. But just as you Kowenicki come into the Sony threads just to be negative. Now i found you commenting on this weird as you love doing it to other fans?


I dont go into any thread "just to be negative", be careful what you say.

Go find where I have regularly gone into threads simply to laugh at and belittle the PS3, PS4 or its software, find the threads I have started purely to belittle or scoff at PS4,PS3 or software. 

There are users that exist almost purely to post negative MS stuff and start negative MS threads, particularly the last few months... but you probbaly dont notice that. 

I have no problem with opinions, I have a problem with trolling that gets a free pass.... which happens here a hell of a lot.    I also dont talk abouty subjects on which I have no knowledge or make things up to suit a stance or argument.  That happens a lot here too and its as clear as day.

I vote for the abilty to ban a user permanently from a particular forum.



Hey Cmon Kowen. If we just get on with our love of the game, we can do this. All we have to do is ignore and hit report. Thats it. All of us together.

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kowenicki said:

I vote for the abilty to ban a user permanently from a particular forum.

while the idea at first sounds good. when you think about it it will do much more harm than good. first of all it would add an extra step before a user gets permabanned, meaning the trolls would spend more time on the forum before they are gone for good. second of all it would increase the amount of trolls who go around crying out every time a mod bans them when they troll. they will go on making threads and posts about the subject and causing unnecessary drama. users love to complain about the mods, this will just make them bitch about the subject even more.


@OT: what you said happens in every forum, whether its sony, ms, or nintendo. there are always the trolls. stop acting like the microsoft fanbase is singled out and are victims. i can name users from all fanbases that go around and do nothing but trolling. stop acting like this is a problem exclusive to the microsoft forums. no one forces you to reply to any post, if you dont like a post ignore it and move on. 

Edit forgot to add this: however, the MS fanbase on here is obviously smaller than the Playstation and nintendo fanbase on this site, so at times it seems that this problem is more noticable on the MS forums.

Dr.Grass said:
Carl2291 said:
The problem with derailment is that a lot of people simply dont kill it at the root, they have to tell the troll to go fuck itself with the bridge its hiding under.

You said it yourself in the OP. Report. Move along. They will get bored of looking for a bite and they should get moderated.

Ive been reporting a whole lot more recently and its hilarious to see the people youre reporting get banned. It makes me feel warm inside. Its just brilliant I was reading a thread recently and reported ~10 posts at once. It was glorious. I literally cant wait to see the bans roll in.

Reporting works. You will never get rid of every trouble causer, but thinning the ranks is a start.

I got banned for a month unfairly, and before that 3 weeks relatively unfairly. I'm most certainly not the only one. I don't like you at all anymore after this post. You sound like a dip&*#@

Well ... you're about to get moderated again and this time it won't be unfair, as you're clearly breaking the rules of the forum.  Just pointing that out in case you want to do some editing.  This time you won't be able to protest, either.

On topic, selnor1983, I hope it works out for you.  It's a circular problem and a problem of scale.  There are more aggressive Playstation posters because there are more Playstation poster period.  Those Xbox posters who go out of their way to start arguments and fights, including one in this thread already, are making it really hard on those who do not.  You're right, the best way to deal with this is to not fight and instead use the report button.  The Vita thread had to go through this, as well, and it turned out nicely.  Good luck.

#2 should add "or anything in the OP" and I agree with someone who said #4 stop acting like victims.

Best to stay on topic and ignore people who are so different from your opinion. Your not going to change their mind and obviously they are going to argue the point to the bitter end and that's how the threads get derailed. It's so easy to think that if you just change your argument you can help them understand your point of view. You can't take the stripes off of a zebra.

Dr.Grass said:

I got banned for a month unfairly, and before that 3 weeks relatively unfairly. I'm most certainly not the only one. I don't like you at all anymore after this post. You sound like a dip&*#@

We've all been banned "unfairly". Youre not the odd one out. If you think you have been banned unfairly, there is a route for you to take. You can ask the head mod to look into it. Ive had 3-4 bans overturned in the past, along with a fair few warnings. Ive had other peoples bans overturned. The system is fair. You can fight your corner if you wish to, you just have to be civil about it

And yes. I am a dipshit and its hilarious.