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kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
Unilateral disarmament doesn't work.

i feel for Ms fans as they do get alot of stick in there own threads which shouldn't happen. But just as you Kowenicki come into the Sony threads just to be negative. Now i found you commenting on this weird as you love doing it to other fans?


I dont go into any thread "just to be negative", be careful what you say.

Go find where I have regularly gone into threads simply to laugh at and belittle the PS3, PS4 or its software, find the threads I have started purely to belittle or scoff at PS4,PS3 or software. 

There are users that exist almost purely to post negative MS stuff and start negative MS threads, particularly the last few months... but you probbaly dont notice that. 

I have no problem with opinions, I have a problem with trolling that gets a free pass.... which happens here a hell of a lot.    I also dont talk abouty subjects on which I have no knowledge or make things up to suit a stance or argument.  That happens a lot here too and its as clear as day.

I vote for the abilty to ban a user permanently from a particular forum.



Hey Cmon Kowen. If we just get on with our love of the game, we can do this. All we have to do is ignore and hit report. Thats it. All of us together.