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kowenicki said:

I vote for the abilty to ban a user permanently from a particular forum.

while the idea at first sounds good. when you think about it it will do much more harm than good. first of all it would add an extra step before a user gets permabanned, meaning the trolls would spend more time on the forum before they are gone for good. second of all it would increase the amount of trolls who go around crying out every time a mod bans them when they troll. they will go on making threads and posts about the subject and causing unnecessary drama. users love to complain about the mods, this will just make them bitch about the subject even more.


@OT: what you said happens in every forum, whether its sony, ms, or nintendo. there are always the trolls. stop acting like the microsoft fanbase is singled out and are victims. i can name users from all fanbases that go around and do nothing but trolling. stop acting like this is a problem exclusive to the microsoft forums. no one forces you to reply to any post, if you dont like a post ignore it and move on. 

Edit forgot to add this: however, the MS fanbase on here is obviously smaller than the Playstation and nintendo fanbase on this site, so at times it seems that this problem is more noticable on the MS forums.