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Forums - General Discussion - Poor kid punished for looking at his X-mas gifts early. (He wanted a 360)

poor kid,his parents are very stupid for doing that to him

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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Legend's OP could have made it clearer that he did actually get a 360 later

Well at least he didnt get phone books?

that's some pretty fucked up shit... did they think their "joke" was funny ?

Oh god, I'm not racist, I don't mind the old racist joke though, my comment was just a joke pending the fact that black people are genially perceived as angry people by the media, so if you want to blame someone, blame the media, not me.

I have many a black friend, most of which are not half as sensitive as half of you.

And for those who are offended, I apologize.

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This is apalling.....

How dare the parents do this, at least he gets it in the end tho

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

That was one of the most saddest videos I have ever seen. I would have puched that ***** when she said that it was a nice box. Those people have no lives at all if all they want to do is to torment a little kid.

i feel like crying now : (

oh and btw if you cant take a little racist joke as a joke then your not gonna survive very long in the real world

Thatmax said:
i feel like crying now : (

oh and btw if you cant take a little racist joke as a joke then your not gonna survive very long in the real world

 Couldnt have said it better myself =]