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Forums - Sales Discussion - Who will be on top? PS3 vs 360

Who will be on top??? How kinky, never thought about that really.

I wonder...

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Gamer4life said:
Squilliam said:
This thread = Blind fanboy.

The Xbox360 will outsell the PS3 2nd half of this year world wide.

May as well go against the grain eh?


1. Awesome games that cater to a different audience this year (JRPG/RPG) and not shooters. Different audience = different market to sell to = more sales.
2. They can make a price cut and still be profitiable.
3. They are in the next best position behind Nintendo to utilize motion controls. Because A, they have one foot firmly set in the mouse dominated PC world. B, They have launched 3 hardware SKUs so they can be flexible and modify their offerings to suit the market, C. They can afford it.
4. They look like they are going to update their console lineup @ E3 so they can raise the specs to compete better with the PS3 technically. Wifi/HDD size etc.
5. They haven't had a price cut recently in North America, yet they're still going strong so they have the chance to grab the Sub $299 market share before Sony gets there in North America.
6. Come Jasper RROD will be a distant memory.
7. They don't have to raise their sales by much to beat the PS3 week on week averages and if they win this years Holidays substantially the PS3 will never recover.

Well said. PS3 Fanboys just got pwned.

Also, if the PS3 manages to out sell the 360 they can thank their bluray player as it is the only reason people are buying the PS3 more this year. Most gamers are smart enough to understand the 360 has better games and only blind fanboys buy the PS3 on hope that the upcoming games will be amazing. By looking at the attach rates it is clearly evident that a lot of PS3 are just bought for the bluray(GTA4 attach rate for PS3 is low) and that means SONY loses out on the console just bought for bluray as they expect to gain their revenue from games bought(predominately). SONY is in big trouble. If RandC could barely sell a million I doubt any of these upcoming games will do better. Considering Resistance and Motorstorm were bundled just to save face and not be a dissappointment is pretty pathetic. MS on the other hand keeps increasing their profits, buying more exclusives, releasing new gaming innovations(x-mote), and releasing more content on XBLA(and gains more and more money from it too) while PS3 developers have to put millions more into development into a game that will have lower sales like how Gears of War > MGS4 in sales.

As of now SONY is in deep trouble(Hell) while MS is picking it up(Heaven).



I can't believe you just compared heaven and hell to console sales.  There is so much opinion, bias, FUD, and fail in your post.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

Wow this thread was just made for trouble.....

And to answer it I'll wait till the end of the year..

Former something....

mr.elite said:
deathgod33 said:
of course ps3 will win over 360, what i want to see, is beat the wii!


As much as I hate the wii and everything about it, its going to win this generation. Nintendo is great at what they do, with the exception of gamecube.


.....and n64....

Username2324 said:

@ Mr. Squilliam

I sure hope you were just taking the side of the 360 because no one else would. Your arguements were horrible. For example, how does Microsoft making a few mice make them any more capable of developing a motion sensing device? IT DOESNT. That was quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time.

Let's look at their attempts:

Software - They've been in this industry for 20 years and they still haven't got it right.
Hardware (Mice, Keyboard) - Poor design on many of their products, low quality, not comfortable, not compatible)
Console - RROD Anyone? 2 years in and they still haven't fixed it.

And now you're asking them to make a motion sensing controller, and you think they can do it better than Sony?


 Well yea - it helps to balance things if they get too one sided.

I was actually talking about their dominance in the PC arena - so they can leverage the PC games which utilize mouse support to quickly provide a well rounded software platform to go with motion controls because of the ease of porting between the two. Because essentially the Wiimote is an airmouse with motion detection.

As far as console reliability goes - Sony had 12 years to get it right and they still had unreliable PSX and PS2 consoles. Microsoft got it absolutely right first time with the Xbox1, so we can call it an abberation and leave it at that.

Lastly - They've made an airmouse before and they can always leverage a third party like Nintendo did. 


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who keeps posting on this thread its a load of crap i made ages ago!!! i didnt know what the fuck i was talkin about and readin it back i still dont

Platinums/100% Completion: Super Stardust HD, Linger In Shadows, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Burnout Paradise, Shaun White Snowboarding, Tomb Raider: Underworld, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator: Salvation, Assassin's Creed II, WipEout HD, Ratchet And Clank: A Crack In Time, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, God Of War, God of War II, God of War III, inFamous.

Working on: GTA IV - 87%, Batman: Arkham Asylum - 80%.


PS3 probably, i don't care really though, i got all three consoles. :P

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



PS3 will beat the 360 in console sales.



It will outsell it, there is no question, and eventually developers will realise the full potential of the PS3, while the 360 unfortunately seems to be nearing its limit already

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I'd lean towards saying the PS3 will sell BETTER this year; but no where close to more WW. 360's prime market has a shitty economy right now so its holiday sales will get leeched abit, PS3 by far has better games coming out when they are lined up against the 360, but no where good enough to close a 6million gap. I'd say wait till the holidays to make a prediction.