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Forums - General Discussion - Do you think that religion has any place in politics?

flukus said:

 I always see this argument and it's a faulty one. It is religion that has based it's laws around what human societies naturally deem unacceptable. *1

Rape, murder and theft were considered bad by society long before any of todays major religions existed and it will remain when todays major religions die out. *2

Most doctrines are also completely incompatible with what humans now consider immoral. Corporal punishment and animal cruelty are considered bad things in the majority of the western world yet most religions rarely mention. In many cases (such as corporal punishment) christianty and islam promote it. *3

And no one is saying that you can't have faith and opinions on social issues, but you can't enforce your opinions on everyone else through law. For arguments sake your $deity says that homosexual relationships are wrong and should be outlawed. Then through a majority vote it became outlawed. That would be imposing your religion on other people regardless of their belief. In essence, what I'm saying is that your faith is fine as a guiding moral compass that you can personally follow, but if you tried to have your faith enshrined in law then you have overstepped the seperation of church and state. *4

1* Religion covers a lot more than just what is naturally wrong. just take a look at how Pork isn't allowed in most Jewish and Muslim religions. There were quite a few NASTY parasites on pigs that cleaning and cooking procedures at the time simply couldn't deal with. Making pork forbidden protected those groups.

2* How long exactly has the Jewish faith been around? It's still kicking along pretty strong, and since Christianity is simply an extension of that, you can pretty much apply the same age to Christianity. Perhaps my history is a little off, but I believe that still extends back at LEAST to the age of the pharaohs in egypt, and possibly even beyond that.

3* I'm not sure how this is supposed to be a case against religion. quite frankly, I find animal cruelty to be abhorrent, but at the same time I find it utterly ridiculous to elevate them to having the same rights as humans. Or to think that it is abnormal for an animal to suffer. Just look at how the Komodo Dragon hunts. It uses bacteria to infect its prey and then stalk it while the victim slowly rots to death. Is it pleasant? No. Should we add to the suffering unnecessarily? No. Is it in any way our duty to ensure that animals don't suffer? No.

Same thing for corporeal punishment. YOU may think it's wrong, and the media may act like everyone says its wrong, and when people state getting emotional about their reasons for invoking it, yeah, they're generally wrong too, but that doesn't mean that corporeal punishment doesn't have its place. Of course, the real issue is it's not a punishment, it's a measure to ensure the safety of society, both through irreversible consequences as well as the demonstration of those consequences to the rest of society.

4* this is just so utterly flawed: EVERY law that is MADE is enforcing someone's opinion on someone else. I say I want to kill some guy, but there's a law that says I can't. Since religion isn't an issue, it's only their opinion that it's wrong to kill that guy, so why are you using the law force that opinion on me?

The separation of church and State also goes both ways too. If you try making a law that churches have to allow gay marriage, then that is overstepping the bounds of separation of church and state as well. The only thing a law would be allowed to do is make the government recognize a homosexual civil union.

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PDF said:
@stillwell - you dont even have valid reason to support your opinion. Anything you could say I could refute I promiss. Your just bashing religion with no fact. Please contribute to the site instead of trolling.

Imagine I said the Wii is a threat to all videogaming. That would be a troll with not facts or evidence. Just a pointless bash.

 Refute? Trolling? How stupid are you? Please don't answer that, I know the answer. I think it would be best for everyone(including you), if you'd just be quite as a mouse from now on.

Watch this movie...

The only place religion has in politics is the part where we are guarenteed a sepparation of church and state. No more, no less.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

FightingGameGuy said:
I would appreciate it if an anti-religion-in-law person would explain this part of the general position to me.

What principle of government demands that religious people not allow their religion to influence their decisions when they vote on laws regarding moral decisions (such as what behaviour should be criminal, not the establishment of religion)?

There appear to be two main reasons offered:

1. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" entails there must be no influence of religion in government.

2. Religion influencing government will lead to poor decisions.

I personally find the 1st to be so tremendously flawed that I can't even begin to respect the exegetical ability of anyone who believes in such an interpretation.

I also personally find the 2nd to be a matter of debate and opinion. Unfortunately, I also think that the debate little chance to be to be resolved within this thread and will likely degenerate into the equivalent of shouting wars.

Is there another reason or should I just shrug and leave this topic?

Actually, you misinterpreted reason #1, or it might just be that reason #1 is in incorrect interpretation of that point.

"Congress shall make no law" = not a restriction of the church, this is a restriction of the GOVERNMENT. The GOVERNMENT is the one who isn't allowed to make laws that....

"Respecting the establishment of religion" = "pertaining to making mandatory the practice of, or abolishion of the practice of, religion" does NOT = "cannot make any laws with moral foundation based in religion"


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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I think PDF just wants us to say its ok to have his religious beliefs in politics


But he's not going to get people to agree, what if I don't agree with your beliefs PDF, why should I have you dictating your beliefs to me via law?


Religion by itself is actually quite reasonable and is pretty much the moral standard upon which the laws of the government were based on in the first place. There's a reason why the Court houses have (or at least had) the ten commandments on them.


Actually incorrect only 6 8 and 9 of the commandments have any connection to modern law, kill, steal, or give false witness


And nearly all cultures religious or not feel that you shouldn't kill steal or give a false witness




Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Other than to make sure that everyone's beliefs get respected, no.

mmnin said:
Other than to make sure that everyone's beliefs get respected, no.

It straight up pisses me off that you have to be so reasonable all the time.

It should be separated for reason: If religion and politics are separated it means, politicians have to give reasons for their decisions, that are based in rationality. If a politician has to resort to religious reasons to explain a decision and gives no other reasons, you have to ask yourself if this decision can really be explained on a rational base. That doesn't mean that all politicians have to be atheists. That only means, they should find reasons for their decisions besides religion.

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It's not actually so that everyone's beliefs get respected, it's so that one group is not capable of becomming so influencial in American politics that they violate the rights of the minority. The entire constitution was developed with the idea of preventing tyranny.

That's why we have the right to build a malitia and have guns (2nd), also. It's why the writ of habeous corpus must be upheld at all times except a state of rebellion or invasion. Frankly, the entire document is designed to protect our rights, and you damn well better thank Thomas Jefferson for that. Yes, ESPECIALLY the part about separation of church and state, since he wrote it.

Sadly, Jefferson lacked the foresight (or perhaps the legal capability) to protect us from tyranny by corporation...

You do not have the right to never be offended.