Max King of the Wild said: I can't wait too. They talk about how great their engineers are but fail to talk about the RRoD issue, lack of HDD on launch models and an add on for HD-DVD. Directx existed when the 360 came out too yet their games fell behind Sony's in terms of graphics |
Yeah, I do not see Sony talking about 2 generations with Disk Drive issues for the PS1 and 2 or the YLOD issue with the PS3. Reducing the original PS3 from having full BC to none, Removing all the additional USB and other ports, removing having other OS etc. That crap is in the past and so is the RROD, it was fixed just like any defect. Also, just to stay on point MS was talking about Software developers not hardware. When you consider graphics do you only see how pretty a scene is or the complexity of what’s is shone. A game like Assassin creed looks better than Uncharted in my opinion because of the complexity of the scene then how pretty everything looks within a box.