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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bethesda/Gearbox point out why they don't support Wii U

Metallicube said:

This is kind of like asking why the Bloods don't support the Crips, or why the Athiets don't support the Theists.

They're completely different, it not outright opposing entities, with very different philosophies. The fact that Bethesda and Gearsbox are major third parties ALONE almost means by default that they won't support Nintendo..

Makes absolutely no sense. Nintendo never consulted the third party devs as they said, especially and more specifically dealing with next gen. They only dealt with the current gen. It has absolutely nothing to do with opposing forces. Nintendo neglected them and ask what the expectations for next gen were, which is why they will be way behind. As they said, this is primarily a hardware issue. Nintendo did just enough to snuff out current gen graphics capabilities, but pose zero threat to next gen consoles. The companies supporting Nintendo have not pushed themselves to next gen level and it will obviously be cheaper to make. Sega, Platinum Games have a home there because trust me, the money they would be spending would be quite big. This is a good way to save money and try to make profit off of the Nintendo fanbase.

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Soundwave said:
Metallicube said:

This is kind of like asking why the Bloods don't support the Crips, or why the Athiets don't support the Theists.

They're completely different, it not outright opposing entities, with very different philosophies. The fact that Bethesda and Gearsbox are major third parties ALONE almost means by default that they won't support Nintendo..

Square-Enix, Namco-Bandai, Konami aren't treating the machine much better outside a tiny handful of content.

Namco: We'll develop Smash Bros. you but screw actually supporting your machine otherwise.

This. This is my impression also. It seems to me that Nintendo went to all the japanese 3rd party publishers and made a deal for 1x collaborative deal and 1x exclusivity deal with each of them. Expecting that to be enough to mke them support Nintendo with other games, they are being screwed over as that is ALL they get from these publishers. If Nintendo isn't funding a port they're not getting that port either. They do this prolly because they know Nintendo is far more wealthy than either of them and feel Nintendo should share that wealth. 

To be honest, I think Nintendo basically made the Wii U just powerful enough so that it could get Call of Duty and a handful of other third party IP for a couple of years, because I think they figured they would repeat some measure of the Wii's success and just wanted to get a little bit more of that third party pie.

I mean when you look at 20 million HD copies of Call of Duty sold, that's $10 a pop for MS or Sony, that's $200 million in licensing fee revenue for basically doing nothing every time a new CoD comes out and I think Nintendo thought if they could get an HD version of CoD that they'd get in on some of that action too.

Iwata has said it themselves, they don't want "overwhelming third party" support, though.

Unfortunately they've been abandoned by casuals, which basically has screwed them, because now they're stuck with an underpowered console that only hardcore Nintendo fans want, and one that's expensive to manufacture because of a giant-sized controller to boot.

The way the Wii U was "supposed to go" was that Nintendo Land would take off and be a nice sized hit for them and NSMBU would be big too and would carry the system for a few months and they'd get some more hardcore players by having Call of Duty and Batman and Assassin's Creed by providing a nice blend of family friendly Nintendo fare + a few of the hardcore IPs that people want.

Those are reasonable reasons imo.

4 ≈ One

Soundwave said:

To be honest, I think Nintendo basically made the Wii U just powerful enough so that it could get Call of Duty and a handful of other third party IP for a couple of years, because I think they figured they would repeat some measure of the Wii's success and just wanted to get a little bit more of that third party pie.

I mean when you look at 20 million HD copies of Call of Duty sold, that's $10 a pop for MS or Sony, that's $200 million in licensing fee revenue for basically doing nothing every time a new CoD comes out and I think Nintendo thought if they could get an HD version of CoD that they'd get in on some of that action too.

Iwata has said it themselves, they don't want "overwhelming third party" support, though.

Unfortunately they've been abandoned by casuals, which basically has screwed them, because now they're stuck with an underpowered console that only hardcore Nintendo fans want, and one that's expensive to manufacture because of a giant-sized controller to boot.

The way the Wii U was "supposed to go" was that Nintendo Land would take off and be a nice sized hit for them and NSMBU would be big too and would carry the system for a few months and they'd get some more hardcore players by having Call of Duty and Batman and Assassin's Creed by providing a nice blend of family friendly Nintendo fare + a few of the hardcore IPs that people want.

Nintendo underestimated how powerful the next generation consoles would be. Look up reggie speaking on CNN and the female anchor stating that reports are coming in that the competitions consoles will be multiples times more powerful than the current gen. Reggie replied, "we'll see". They never consulting anyone about the next gen, only themselves because Nintendo is very selfish that way even though they are a gifted company. They aren't even on the radar...there is no reason for anyone to hold themselves back for Nintendo any longer. 

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Soundwave said:
xJbownagex said:
UltimateUnknown said:

-Wii U not in parity with the PS4/One. Requires additional resources because of architecture and the need to cut stuff out of a game to fit the Wii U hardware.

-Audience is different from what Bathesda/Gearbox makes, which makes them reluctant to spend additional resources.

Yet they are putting Borderlands 2 on the Vita. LOL! Borderlands 2 would've sold better if it was put on the Wii U as opposed to the Vita. Nobody wants a watered down console port on a handheld.

I wouldn't be stunned if it sold slightly better on better on Vita. Vita has the novelty of being portable going for it.

The Wii U version would just be a late port and would flop, like Mass Effect 3 and others.

I'm pretty sure Call of Duty on Vita outsold the Wii U version, even though the Vita version sucked.

CoD Wii U - 200k

CoD Vita - 770k

Have no fear, if it's a good port with quality similar to Killzone: Mercenary, Borderlands 2 will be profitable on Vita. Would it be profitable on Wii U? I highly doubt it. The brand isn't strong enough to sell as much as a CoD or AC. Saying it would sell better on Wii U is just laughable considering how much games sell on Vita and on Wii U.


I think the devs were honest here, at least the guy from Bethesda. When I think about the next TES game, I want it to be so epic, that it just wouldn't be possible on a Wii U because of hardware limitations (RAM, etc.). I mean, this is kinda as if you were asking them to release Skyrim on Wii, even though it would have to have Morrowind level graphics - that just wouldn't work, that's not what this game was supposed to be, that's not the experience that the devs want to give us. Unfortunately, Wii U isn't suited to give us the full next gen experience. I guess the FPS games Gearbox makes should easily be portable with some downgrade, but some games (like TES, Witcher 3) just won't give you what they should.

The biggest problem Wii U has though, is that 200k CoDs sold isn't really additional 200k copies sold (thus justifying the port), because some of those people would have bought the game on a different platform if there was no Wii U port. That makes the Wii U added value even that much smaller and makes porting at the moment really questionable. Add to that our beloved crisis and people being more hesitant about spending money and now you know why devs aren't keen on taking unneccessary risk.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

There is some truth to what Bethesda is saying here. Because MS and Sony are not in the games business to make money, 3rd parties can go to them and say "make a system with these specs!", and they will do it, because they don't need to make money and do need 3rd party support for their division to stay relevant. Nintendo, on the other hand, can't and won't lose large amounts of money on hardware so that 3rd parties can have the specs they want. Whether the audience will buy their product is another matter - I think it will but certainly the early Wii U sales indicate a younger audience has been the early adopters.

I think Nintendo did anticipate slightly weaker offerings from Sony and MS. It was widely known that 3rd parties were asking for upwards of 8gig of RAM. Usually hardware makers give them less than what they want, so I think Nintendo was expecting 4 gigs on PS4, keeping the 2 gigs on Wii U reasonably close. I think this is a result of Sony switching to the paid online model like MS. Nintendo really needs to adapt this model as it has allowed Sony and MS to hide the true cost of their systems in yearly fees. The PS4 and XB1 would be money-losing disasters if not for the extra $50 owners will be paying each year. If Nintendo also had such revenue it could have up-spec'd the Wii U considerably.

lol at all the nintendo fans talking like they know more then Bethesda/gearbox. There reasons make sense, it is what it is. THey come out and are honest why they won't support wii-u so what is there to argue about? Ridiculous.

UltimateUnknown said:

Very interesting episode. I'd recommend you watch at least the first half which deals with what Nintendo could do to gain 3rd party support, and  two 3rd parties are talking about their experience directly. Some of the main points seems to be (I'm paraphrasing):

-Nintendo made their box without really consulting 3rd parties, whereas Sony and MS have done so from a very early point of the PS4/One development.

-Wii U not in parity with the PS4/One. Requires additional resources because of architecture and the need to cut stuff out of a game to fit the Wii U hardware.

-Audience is different from what Bathesda/Gearbox makes, which makes them reluctant to spend additional resources.

-Nintendo's online is subpar when next gen seems to be focusing more and more on the co-op/competitive experience.

I tried to summarise as best I could, but to hear it exactly from the horse's mouth, watch the episode.

I play Borderlands   I own a WiiU console  = audience is different BULLSHIT.

The audience is just different because their games are absent thats it.  Publishers and Developers became lazy and greedy  after the PS2 era  they want easy money and forgot how to work for their money.

I mean seriously  PS3 was different from PS2  they needed people to make seperate PS3 versions  they also needed seperate teams for 360 versions because a PS3 is completely different from a 360.  And they still made it   they  had a fresh start with the WiiU  but they just expected to do even LESS work for money.  They become lazier each day.

And BTW   PC is also totally different from  consoles  but guess where I own my  Gearbox games? PC! (its the most annoying platform to develop for because you dont have just 1 but an infinite number of hardware configurations and they still make games for it!)

These same issues and similar are obviously a problem with Nintendo- they do not do what it takes and more importantly, do what their competitors are willing to do to get key 3rd party support-

People are saying..."that's just Nintendo" but Nintendo is the company that keeps trumpeting they are going to ge 3rd party support- that was a big sales push they used to sell the Wii U at launch-

So people please- when Nintendo starts talking about getting 3td party support again- remind them that "that is not who they are" . Remind them that their core several million customers don t really care about third party support- We need to make sure we let the less informed know that when Nintendo start talking 3rd party support and release dates for key games that they are full of sh-t- that is what I am hearing fro the Ninty fans anyway... when it comes to Nintendo don t go by what they say, just wait till they have already done it to believe it- clearly there are several million hard core Nintendo fans who know all this because they still have not bought a Wii U yet- they are waiting on the games they care about to be released to buy a Wii U (that and 1 or more price drops)