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These same issues and similar are obviously a problem with Nintendo- they do not do what it takes and more importantly, do what their competitors are willing to do to get key 3rd party support-

People are saying..."that's just Nintendo" but Nintendo is the company that keeps trumpeting they are going to ge 3rd party support- that was a big sales push they used to sell the Wii U at launch-

So people please- when Nintendo starts talking about getting 3td party support again- remind them that "that is not who they are" . Remind them that their core several million customers don t really care about third party support- We need to make sure we let the less informed know that when Nintendo start talking 3rd party support and release dates for key games that they are full of sh-t- that is what I am hearing fro the Ninty fans anyway... when it comes to Nintendo don t go by what they say, just wait till they have already done it to believe it- clearly there are several million hard core Nintendo fans who know all this because they still have not bought a Wii U yet- they are waiting on the games they care about to be released to buy a Wii U (that and 1 or more price drops)