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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Grand Theft Auto V Thread: GTA ONLINE OUT NOW!


Favourite protagonist?

Micheal 61 58.10%
Franklin 16 15.24%
Trevor 22 20.95%

€dit: already discussed

Around the Network
iamdeath said:
AZWification said:

Just wait until Quarter to Three gives it a bad score.

Just proof how useless metacritic and game reviews can be. Seems anyone can be on metacritic. Even trolls.

 He is the ultimate troll. He gave Halo 4 a  2/10 I believe.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

You get the point yet? There's a lot of 10's to go yet.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

This makes me lol =p.

iamdeath said:
AZWification said:

Just wait until Quarter to Three gives it a bad score.

Just proof how useless metacritic and game reviews can be. Seems anyone can be on metacritic. Even trolls.

Metacritic is not that bad. Except for QtT, not many more "scandalising" sites out there.

Gamerankings on the other hand, posts scores from sites that aren't much more than a blog that me or you could run. Then again, nobody treats gamerankings as seriously as metacritic.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

You get the point yet? There's a lot of 10's to go yet.

Doesn't that count only as one review though?

Signature goes here!

The IGN review says she only encountered 3 bugs in her 35hour playthrough, witch is pretty insane :o

Chevinator123 said:
The IGN review says she only encountered 3 bugs in her 35hour playthrough, witch is pretty insane :o

35 hours? That's all?

Conegamer said:
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

You get the point yet? There's a lot of 10's to go yet.

What people care about is metascore. How many branches of Gamereactor have their scores posted on metacritic?

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

DestructorGT said:
Conegamer said:
DestructorGT said:
I'm picking it up at launch, and I'm predicting a 97 score on metacritic. I always wondered how could any game get even one perfect score because nothing is perfect, everything has flaws. It will probably be the game of the year.

It may be the highest rated game of the year...but I still think a lot of sites will go with The Last of Us. I don't know, it just seems to be the darling of the Internet for some reason (though it is damn good and in my Top 10 games of all time, so there's some merit to itIt 

It will be a close one, but who knows maybe some of the next gen games end up being the winner.

GOTY? Next gen? No way.