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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Phil Harrison: Xbox One Will Never Come Without Kinect

endimion said:
wick said:
Seece said:
Did they ever actually say 'We will never change DRM requirements or offline" ect? There is a bit of a difference between this and a 180 on those issues.

Also there is no issue with a Kinect bundle as long as they bring it to price parity with PS4, when they do it'll be better value than PS4.

But I wouldn't expect that until September 2014.

We can’t just flip a switch to turn off DRM. The console was built around it.


this quote stil stands though.... the console is built around it so much that it will need a day one patch.... so yeah it stands.... unless there is some hidden words somewhere....

I also agree that this quote stands.  When you look at it, MS didn't just remove the DRM, they had to remove everything.  They basically had to drop everything which isn't such a minor thing people might be believing.  It probably cost them millions.

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KylieDog said:
Microsoft's loss.

Will be a lot of people who look at XBone and say "I don't want Kinect, why do I need pay for it" and go for PS4 instead..

Doesn't that goes both ways.  IF games, features and services show a clear advantage with Kinect, then people would purchase X1 just for Kinect.  At this point nothing is set in stone.  No one really knows how kinect will change the experience of the X1 to separate it from the PS4.  New gen, new scenerios.  Companies have to take some risk as being safe means you are a step behind if something takes off.  MS had enough years to make Kinect a much better product, now they just need to deliever.

Machiavellian said:
KylieDog said:
Microsoft's loss.

Will be a lot of people who look at XBone and say "I don't want Kinect, why do I need pay for it" and go for PS4 instead..

Doesn't that goes both ways.  IF games, features and services show a clear advantage with Kinect, then people would purchase X1 just for Kinect.  At this point nothing is set in stone.  No one really knows how kinect will change the experience of the X1 to separate it from the PS4.  New gen, new scenerios.  Companies have to take some risk as being safe means you are a step behind if something takes off.  MS had enough years to make Kinect a much better product, now they just need to deliever.

Let's keep this simple.

Roughly 78 million Xbox360s sold -

Roughly 25 million Kinects sold =

53 million xbox customers who either aren't interested in Kinect or just plain out don't want it.


Also. Do you really think 3rd party developers are going to spend time and money on adding Kinect features in when they can just make an identical game to the PS4 version? Most of a console's games come from 3rd parties so I don't know how it will be "splitting the userbase" having a Kinectless SKU when most of the 3rd party games won't be utilising it.



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The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

wick said:
Machiavellian said:
KylieDog said:
Microsoft's loss.

Will be a lot of people who look at XBone and say "I don't want Kinect, why do I need pay for it" and go for PS4 instead..

Doesn't that goes both ways.  IF games, features and services show a clear advantage with Kinect, then people would purchase X1 just for Kinect.  At this point nothing is set in stone.  No one really knows how kinect will change the experience of the X1 to separate it from the PS4.  New gen, new scenerios.  Companies have to take some risk as being safe means you are a step behind if something takes off.  MS had enough years to make Kinect a much better product, now they just need to deliever.

Let's keep this simple.

Roughly 78 million Xbox360s sold -

Roughly 25 million Kinects sold =

53 million xbox customers who either aren't interested in Kinect or just plain out don't want it.


Also. Do you really think 3rd party developers are going to spend time and money on adding Kinect features in when they can just make an identical game to the PS4 version? Most of a console's games come from 3rd parties so I don't know how it will be "splitting the userbase" having a Kinectless SKU when most of the 3rd party games won't be utilising it.

Come on man, we all know that add on never are going to come close to equaling the size of an install base.  Just because people did not buy it as an add on does not mean they would not enjoy the device if it comes with it.

Yes, I believe developers will make kinect features because they did it last gen with the install ratios was much smaller.  Now it's included with all xbox, it give incentive to developers to at least try some things even if its just voice.  Also as we have seen, MS and Sony are willing to throw some coin around to get exclusive content on their consoles, well nothing stoping MS from throwing some money around for kinect features as well.  Last point, it only take a few good features to make a device a hit.  I will say that its up to MS to do this but you can have a developer out there that does it and it catches on.

As to your last statement, you really have no clue nor do I what 3rd parties will do.  They may embrace it or they may not, but its way to early to tell which one.  Maybe MS give the carrot of dedicated servers for free.  Who really knows how this might shape.

Phil Harrison is a Sony shill we all know this.

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kinect will hold it back like blu ray did to ps3

Phil Harrison; ruining console launches since 2006. ;)

Is Phil Harrison this guy?

Fair enough. They are sticking with it and keeping the message consistent (even if this isnt the case with everything else. Early adopters would no doubt have felt hard-done by if MS made Kinect optional halfway through thelifespan (or even now after going on about all its features).

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ethomaz said:
Is Phil Harrison this guy?

lol yup the tall bald one :D.. hmm checking out the ex girlfriend that how hot she got! :D