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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trayvon Martin not an innocent kid! George Zimmerman not a racist!

Chris Hu said:

No duh there where no domestic charges I said in my post they where later on dropped by his girlfriend.  Also you don't have to have a criminal record in order to have a history of domestic violence.  There are plenty of people out there that raped and abused women and never have been prosecuted for what they have done.  Keep on worshipping saint Zimmerman all you want.  The fact remains his past was just as shady as Trayvons.

Face palm yourself. I will repeat, there were no charges. Ever. Period. There was no police called. There was no police report. There was no arrest. And there was no charges to be abke to drop.

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who the fuck cares

this is just the media selling you another story, im sure this is what? the 100th if not 1000th kid to be murdered this year

Max King of the Wild said:
Chris Hu said:

No duh there where no domestic charges I said in my post they where later on dropped by his girlfriend.  Also you don't have to have a criminal record in order to have a history of domestic violence.  There are plenty of people out there that raped and abused women and never have been prosecuted for what they have done.  Keep on worshipping saint Zimmerman all you want.  The fact remains his past was just as shady as Trayvons.

Face palm yourself. I will repeat, there were no charges. Ever. Period. There was no police called. There was no police report. There was no arrest. And there was no charges to be abke to drop.

You need to facepalm yourself in 2005 Zimmerman bragged on his Myspace account that all his previous run ins with the law didn't lead to any charges.  Anyway his ex girlfriend field a restraining order on him and accused him of domestic violence so if there was zero history of domestic violence I doubt she would have did that but ist clear you think that Zimmerman is a saint no matter what facts are brought up.  Also the case was a mess from the start and the Sanford police did a piss poor job handling and investigating it.  Travyon was tested for drugs in his system and Zimmerman wasn't on the day of the shooting even though if they would have followed standard procedure he should have been tested for drugs also.  But then again I wasn't expecting anything better since Flordia police is pretty much a joke when it comes to investigating criminal cases as proven by the Casey Anthony case that took place two years earlier.

The facts around the case alone are more than enough for me to cast judgement.

Zimmerman is guilty of stupidity, not racisim. You do not pack a gun to talk to a suspicious person unless you've got a badge. Suspicious does not call for lethal force, and having that kind of power is likely to make you less rational.

Still, if Martin were still alive, he would have been charged with assault and battery. At the moment he was shot, Martin was uninjured and Zimmerman had a broken nose. Both of them did stupid things which combined to make the incident, but on the whole I think Martin holds more of the blame. Zimmerman packing heat was foolish, but it was also not inherently criminal the way assault is.

Haven't read through the whole thread, so I'm not of this, but has anyone actually addressed the fact that Trayvon's girlfriend admitted that Trayvon started the fight and WHY he started the fight?  Because he was a homophobe and just wanted to give him a little "whoop ass."


And no, Zimmerman was not a racist.  He wasn't a saint, either, though.  Especially in his youth.  However, it seems to me like he had gotten his life together and wanted to help others, hence the tutoring of low income children.  I can't believe people were trying to say he was racist because he spoke poorly of Mexicans he saw commiting crimes, though he did put it quite bluntly.  But, the real reason I can't believe it is because Zimmerman is Hispanic.  Mexicans are Hispanic.  If America has taught me anything, you can't be racist against your own people.  Besides, I thought in America minorities can't be racist, anyway. 

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There where zero eye witnesses so no one knows who really started the fight. 

keroncoward said:
DD_Bwest said:

how can you call a goverment attorney low budget? It was a special prosecuter brought in specifically for this, and they spent loads of time effort to keep lots of facts about martin out of the trial..   and it wasnt that he was unprepared, it was that it was a crappy witness who not matter what you asked would have helped the defense.  Plus they have to keep the questions in line with what is admissable in court.

They were screwed from the start. The police never even charged Zimmerman. You think they would even co operate properly with the prosecutor and admit they were not doing their job properly? We all heard the 911 tapes with him disobeying the dispatcher's instructions to stay put then whispering to himself "they always get away". There was enough evidence to charge him with manslaughter (heck a kid got stalked and died). 

Just because someone dies, doesn't mean a crime has been commited by the killer.  If it was self defense and ALL the evidence points to self defense, then there is nothing to be charged with.  And cops don't charge people with a crime, they can only arrest you on the spot for one if they witness it or have a witness or after an investigation find evidence that you commited a crime.  The state has to file papers to actually charge you after that.

In this specific case, the police took him into custody to question him.  After talking with him and the witnesses, the police contacted the State prosecutor to see if he wanted to persue charges.  Given the evidence, he said no.  However, that wasn't good enough for the mob, so the Federal government intervened, when they shouldn't have, and pressured the state to bring in a special prosecutor.  They lost, because the evidence all points to self defense.  Sadly, again, not good enough for the mob.  So, it looks like the Federal government is going to get involved further, by labeling Zimmerman a racist.  This is not how our Judicial system is supposed to work, rule by mob.

The worst part of all of this is the media spread BS as fact from the onset of this case, just because they knew they could stir the race pot, yet again.  Pushing an agenda and giving them instant ratings.  After being proven wrong, they still try to push the race aspect, even after ALL involved parties on BOTH sides have said repeatedly this is NOT about race.  But, that would put the news media in a bad light, and we can't have that, so don't report on that part of the case. 

Actually, the worse part is the people who believed the BS and still put it out there, either because they don't know the facts or they they don't want to "know" the facts.  It doesn't help their side of the story.  One of the biggest lies, well beside Zimmerman being "white," is that Zimmerman continued to persue Trayvon, even after he was told not to.  He did not.  Once the dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon, we can CLEARLY hear the wind start to die down and Zimmerman start to catch his breath.  He was obviously no longer running after Trayvon.  And at this point, Trayvon still had several minutes to get to his dad's house before the actual confrontation happened.  He clearly decided to not go home and instead turn back to confront Zimmerman for being a "creepy ass cracker" and, as his GF Jeantel puts it, for possibly being a "gay rapist."

Chris Hu said:

There where zero eye witnesses so no one knows who really started the fight. 

Oh, so you believe Zimmerman is not guilty, now.  That's good.  Since, you know, there is no evidence that Zimmerman started the fight, either.  And during the fight, Zimmerman clearly acted in self defense, so the jury did the right thing.  I'm glad you have changed your mind.

Max King of the Wild said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:

If only Zimmerman ignored Martin, not stalk/follow him and shoot him. Martin would still be alive and right now playing his PS3 or XBox 360 or doing whatever he likes to do as a normal teenager. Zimmerman clearly over reacted and used excessive lethal force.

What trayvon liked to do was get into fights, steal jewlry, deal drugs, look to purchase a handgun illegally and abuse drugs. Thats far from being a normal teen. But fuck, lets pretend that it is appropriate for 17 year olds because the media says so

So based on this, if ZImmerman would've let him go he would've sacked a house before he made his way  home. :)

thismeintiel said:
Chris Hu said:

There where zero eye witnesses so no one knows who really started the fight. 

Oh, so you believe Zimmerman is not guilty, now.  That's good.  Since, you know, there is no evidence that Zimmerman started the fight, either.  And during the fight, Zimmerman clearly acted in self defense, so the jury did the right thing.  I'm glad you have changed your mind.

Just because Zimmerman didn't get convicted doesn't mean he is innocent there are millions of guilty people walking around freely every day.  Casey Anthony didn't get convicted also, that doesn't mean she is innocent.  The only thing those two cases proof is that the Florida is a joke when it comes to  properly investigating criminal cases.