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Haven't read through the whole thread, so I'm not of this, but has anyone actually addressed the fact that Trayvon's girlfriend admitted that Trayvon started the fight and WHY he started the fight?  Because he was a homophobe and just wanted to give him a little "whoop ass."


And no, Zimmerman was not a racist.  He wasn't a saint, either, though.  Especially in his youth.  However, it seems to me like he had gotten his life together and wanted to help others, hence the tutoring of low income children.  I can't believe people were trying to say he was racist because he spoke poorly of Mexicans he saw commiting crimes, though he did put it quite bluntly.  But, the real reason I can't believe it is because Zimmerman is Hispanic.  Mexicans are Hispanic.  If America has taught me anything, you can't be racist against your own people.  Besides, I thought in America minorities can't be racist, anyway.