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keroncoward said:
DD_Bwest said:

how can you call a goverment attorney low budget? It was a special prosecuter brought in specifically for this, and they spent loads of time effort to keep lots of facts about martin out of the trial..   and it wasnt that he was unprepared, it was that it was a crappy witness who not matter what you asked would have helped the defense.  Plus they have to keep the questions in line with what is admissable in court.

They were screwed from the start. The police never even charged Zimmerman. You think they would even co operate properly with the prosecutor and admit they were not doing their job properly? We all heard the 911 tapes with him disobeying the dispatcher's instructions to stay put then whispering to himself "they always get away". There was enough evidence to charge him with manslaughter (heck a kid got stalked and died). 

Just because someone dies, doesn't mean a crime has been commited by the killer.  If it was self defense and ALL the evidence points to self defense, then there is nothing to be charged with.  And cops don't charge people with a crime, they can only arrest you on the spot for one if they witness it or have a witness or after an investigation find evidence that you commited a crime.  The state has to file papers to actually charge you after that.

In this specific case, the police took him into custody to question him.  After talking with him and the witnesses, the police contacted the State prosecutor to see if he wanted to persue charges.  Given the evidence, he said no.  However, that wasn't good enough for the mob, so the Federal government intervened, when they shouldn't have, and pressured the state to bring in a special prosecutor.  They lost, because the evidence all points to self defense.  Sadly, again, not good enough for the mob.  So, it looks like the Federal government is going to get involved further, by labeling Zimmerman a racist.  This is not how our Judicial system is supposed to work, rule by mob.

The worst part of all of this is the media spread BS as fact from the onset of this case, just because they knew they could stir the race pot, yet again.  Pushing an agenda and giving them instant ratings.  After being proven wrong, they still try to push the race aspect, even after ALL involved parties on BOTH sides have said repeatedly this is NOT about race.  But, that would put the news media in a bad light, and we can't have that, so don't report on that part of the case. 

Actually, the worse part is the people who believed the BS and still put it out there, either because they don't know the facts or they they don't want to "know" the facts.  It doesn't help their side of the story.  One of the biggest lies, well beside Zimmerman being "white," is that Zimmerman continued to persue Trayvon, even after he was told not to.  He did not.  Once the dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon, we can CLEARLY hear the wind start to die down and Zimmerman start to catch his breath.  He was obviously no longer running after Trayvon.  And at this point, Trayvon still had several minutes to get to his dad's house before the actual confrontation happened.  He clearly decided to not go home and instead turn back to confront Zimmerman for being a "creepy ass cracker" and, as his GF Jeantel puts it, for possibly being a "gay rapist."