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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

roborad said:
Is limbo worth it for 4 bucks?

Yes! Definitely worth it 

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I hope tomb raider has some light hearted moments and is not a really dark story from start to finish like the last one. I'd prefer if they mix it up.

Lots of snow has been shown in Rise of The Tomb Raider so far. But we also know there is other climates and weather changes. Wonder if theyre only going to show the snowy stuff when they show gameplay though


shikamaru317 said:

They really need to work on their bear model, the graphics look amazing other than the bear. That fur looks so last gen. I'm not sure why they're not using TressFX for the fur, TressFX does have fur tech built in as far as I know.

Agreed. Also the last shot is really low quality for some reason

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shikamaru317 said:

They really need to work on their bear model, the graphics look amazing other than the bear. That fur looks so last gen. I'm not sure why they're not using TressFX for the fur, TressFX does have fur tech built in as far as I know, and Tomb Raider already uses TressFX for Lara's hair.

but using tress fx on a whole bear and the full rest of the game will have to look like last gen to let it run on console^^

lol damn, never heard of Darkside games before. ehh Guess we're going to have to wait even longer...

When will they leak some of the stuff they were working on?

The Last Phantom Dust

shikamaru317 said:
crissindahouse said:

but using tress fx on a whole bear and the full rest of the game will have to look like last gen to let it run on console^^

Lol. Is TressFX really that resource instensive though? I know that Nvidia's Fur tech has a pretty big impact on performance (which is why only the PC version of Witcher 3 uses it), but I was under the impression that AMD's TressFX was alot less demanding. It's not like there are that many bears in the game. Couldn't they simply design it so that render distance for foliage and ground clutter is halved when you're near a bear, that would hopefully free up enough resources to use TressFX on the bears. I don't know, I'm not a programmer. Then again there are wolves too, and they're going to have the same problem with the wolves' fur, and there are likely going to be alot more wolves in the game than bears.

I believe when Tomb Raider released on PC it was around 30% less performance with TressFX on very strong cards and around 50% on the cards with less power. No idea if they have improved it a lot since then but now it would be Lara and a bear with TressFX, I can imagine that this has to be very power consuming. 

shikamaru317 said:
Well, that sucks : ( Guess Phantom Dust is going to be 2017 at the earliest if they're restarting development now.

It wont be restarted.  Just picked up where they left off. Kenn Lobb's team is also working on it

EDIT: NVM, they canceled their version