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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

tuscaniman99 said:
So the numbers are skewed towards PS3. Thanks for answering my question. This list just shows that Kinect was a success and Move was a flop.

I don't get why people say this. Sony said in Nov 12 that the Move had shipped 15 million units. Kinect shipped 24 million units by Jan 2013. How is 15 million a flop whilst 24 million is a massive success?  


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Does anybody notice that the list is showing the support of sony and microsoft after they released their motion controls??. If the list was trying to be unfair to microsoft, why don't start at 2009, arguably the best year of ps3 with uncharted 2, killzone 2, demon's souls, infamous, ....??

MoHasanie said:
tuscaniman99 said:
So the numbers are skewed towards PS3. Thanks for answering my question. This list just shows that Kinect was a success and Move was a flop.

I don't get why people say this. Sony said in Nov 12 that the Move had shipped 15 million units. Kinect shipped 24 million units by Jan 2013. How is 15 million a flop whilst 24 million is a massive success?  

Move is a flop and PS4 will take 3-4 years to get a library that is actually good.

Don't take too much of what he says as fact.

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MoHasanie said:

Well, yes, because MS did ditch the 360. 

Its not fair because Sony released 14 exclusives last year (according to this: So Halo 4 outsold all 14 combined. And you're saying GT will outsell 2 of MS's exclusives this year. I still don't see how this comparison is fair. 

it is fair, its MS decision to just release gears this year (whats the second exlusive?) just like it was Sonys decision to release low budget games in 2012. actually MS is releasing their second biggest exlusive this year while sony released none of their big IPs that year. does the 77 million userbase not count anymore because microsoft ditched the console? 

foodfather said:
Halo 4 outsold all ps3 exclusives put together last year. What does that tell you about the quality of the ''exclusives''.

That if you have one good exclusive pour all your damn money into it. Wouldn't you? MS poured like a hundred million bucks into that game which is like insane. Lets see if their first party holds up next gen or will they abandon it just like they did after the first three years this gen..

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Man. PS3 trounced the 360 when it comes to exclusives! I don't think they should have included games that haven't even released yet on the PS3 side (Beyond) and not do the same on the Xbox side (Fable Anniversary) but hey, it's not my list. I'm a PS3 owner and I haven't even heard of some of those PS3 games! This list is good for the purpose it serves but I'm also a 360 owner. I love it, too.

Angelus said:
This is a pretty convenient list isn't it?

Leaves off several years of the life cycle (years in which the PS3 had almost nothing, and most of it was trash), and doesn't list MS console exclusives that eventually found their way to PC either. You add all those in, and that list looks a lot different.

In the end it comes down to what you like. PS has a lot of variety, I give them credit for that, but the fact is there isn't a game on that list I would enjoy playing more than Halo, Gears, or Forza. That seems to be something a lot of PS fanboys don't understand. I always hear "that's all you've got!" Maybe they should stop to consider that those games are a hell of a lot of fun.

Dude....really? During the first initial years of the PS3, MS had scooped up a bunch of timed exclusives and third party exclusives from PC and other third parties that had nothing to do with first party. Sony was busy building up their first party and had a drought only for two years. MS has had a longer drought than Sony. In 2008 Sony came back. Also, who said Sonys games should be enjoyed more than Halo, Gears or Forza? If you're a gamer, play good games, thats all. MS just pumps out less of them internally than Sony because Sony takes risk and tries. This is the point, this is the purpose. 

Wright said:

I like how there's some exclusive games for 360 nowhere to be seen.

Add them, it wont make a difference. 

Good I suppose?

Yup, the image is pretty clear.