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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

Anyway - On the point of Knack. It will do well enough because its a mascot platformer at launch.

It will be the game that mums and dads will buy for the child. It will be the game that will be bundled early.


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Well we know whos review copies of games are going to be late now

Carl2291 said:
Conegamer said:
Well. I don't know what to say. Having a read through it seems ridiculously biased at best. Not only is their no mention of the Wii U in the article at all, but it also blows some things out of proportion drastically.

They'll get in trouble for this.

In big letters, right at the top of the page.


Why will they get into trouble?

Edit - Do you have a link to anything from it? I wanna reaaaaaaad!

I was more referring to some of the sensationalist comments. Bashing Titanfall, saying it'll be worse than Killzone right off the bat because of the graphics, for example. I don't have any links, sadly. They'll be leaked online shortly I'd imagine, though.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Carl2291 said:
Conegamer said:
Well. I don't know what to say. Having a read through it seems ridiculously biased at best. Not only is their no mention of the Wii U in the article at all, but it also blows some things out of proportion drastically.

They'll get in trouble for this.

In big letters, right at the top of the page.


Why will they get into trouble?

Edit - Do you have a link to anything from it? I wanna reaaaaaaad!

I was more referring to some of the sensationalist comments. Bashing Titanfall, saying it'll be worse than Killzone right off the bat because of the graphics, for example. I don't have any links, sadly. They'll be leaked online shortly I'd imagine, though.

Also kind of weird to bash a multiplat ps4 game by comparing it to an exclusive ps4 game.

Multimedialover said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Multimedialover said:

Its Kinect Sports 3 mate. Kinect Sports sells to them same dmographic as Knack. Look at its sales on 360.

Microsoft finally realised those gamers will rather buy waggle games for yourbody, and the rest hardcore titles. Which i why theis less casual games and way more hardcore games.

Knack will get murdered i sales by  Kinect Rivals.

Knack and Kinect are two completely different things you know?

But going for the same demographic. You think Grandma wold have played Mario Kart if waggle didnt exist. No chance.

microsoft will own  the casual market this gen. BUt have put more mone into hardcore. Edge barely touc on what Kinect will do for casuals buying this coming gen. 

Casual tend to have a short attention span, Plus it's $500. No Grandma's are too old to care about those anyway.

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I still have my Edge copy from the Ps3 release. At the time they compared it with the Wii due to both releasing in the same week. They are harsh but fair and in the end of the article this comes along

"it's a tall order, but what Wii and Ps3 have on their side is time. With Wii's distinct identity, and Ps3's bottomless potential, both leave the 360 feeling like the last of the old breed."

I do think these guys should be hired to make box-art, they've made some nice covers through the years. ;p

theprof00 said:
Osc89 said:
Multimedialover said:
It wont sell past 2 million. 

Kinect Rivals will blow that away in sales. For the same demographic.

Also most media are saying its not that good.

Really? Haven't seen anything bad yet. I looked, and the first page of search results only gives positive reviews.

Don't respond seriously to MML.

He recently said, "both from a consumer choice point of view and from a gamer point of view, MS are definitely winning. More exclusives at launch, Christmas, and the next year. I still wonder WTF apart from multiplat games people will buy for ps4. After kz3 was terrible, kz4 and it being a shooter isn't helping Sony at all."

1. Not from a consumer choice point of view, since from the consumer POV, they've chosen ps4. This would also evidence the gamer POV picking PS4, and with more news like titanfall being timed exclusive, it'll sway even more people....especially since it will be on pc and 360. Why upgrade to One if it's already on 360?

2. Not more exclusives at launch. MS has claimed 15 exclusives, Sony has claimed 20. All MML thinks are the exclusives are the ones he has seen at e3.

3. Has no idea what games people are interested in for ps4. Denies KZ4 can sell anything. Doesn't even know that infamous:SS is the most popular exclusive, and thinks Knack is getting shit on by the media (while it's actually being praised).

I think you are right. This probably isn't the kind of argument where addressing points logically is going to get you anywhere, as I just found out in another thread.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

veritaz said:
I really didn't see this coming from EDGE, as others have said they are usually the harshest critics of PS3 games which made the 10/10 they gave to The Last of Us very surprising.

edge gives lower scores in general, i don't think that has something to do with the ps3. do you have examples where they give other console exclusives higher scores as they do for ps3 exclusives?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Multimedialover said:

Its Kinect Sports 3 mate. Kinect Sports sells to them same dmographic as Knack. Look at its sales on 360.

Microsoft finally realised those gamers will rather buy waggle games for yourbody, and the rest hardcore titles. Which i why theis less casual games and way more hardcore games.

Knack will get murdered i sales by  Kinect Rivals.

Knack and Kinect are two completely different things you know?

Don't even bother, hes so biased he's walking blind right now.

Yeah, I know. But it's so funny though.

RolStoppable said:

It certainly looks like the game is made with that reasoning in mind. Quite the lazy approach, if you ask me. No ambition to make it great.

I think you hit the nail on the head with your earlier post. It looks like more of a tech demo showcasing some of the stuff PS4 can do, mainly with particles. They just decided to turn it into a videogame.

It could be fun in parts, but in the grand scheme of things Ive gone from thinking it looked quite interesting to thinking it looks kinda boring. The levels are too empty, or at least the city level in the demo is. It needs boxes for Knack to jump on, or more enemies. Something. I cant quite hit the nail on the head.

Edit - I think I just want Crash 4.