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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your "Screw this game!" moments

RolStoppable said:
I got pretty far in Adventure Island (7-4 or world 8), but the stage in question pretty much required an axe. Either that or many pixel-perfect jumps. Well, there's no axe to pick up in this stage (at least not that I know of), so after dying for the first time, I was pretty much screwed. Never played it again.

Something similar happened to me in the same game xD. I was playing the game in the arcade and the coins for it where really cheap so I decided to try it out. After about 50 credits and reaching almost at those same stages (Stage 8 I think it was) our funds ran out and I lost an entire afternoon of progress . After that I went to gamefaqs to realize tha game has about 14 stages...

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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noname2200 said:
Wright said:

There was a part in Oblivion that spawned a fucking Oblivion portal in every single city, and you are tasked to close them all.


Seriously, not challenge or anything, but just plain frustrating, and a terrible choice to artificially extent the lenght of the game.


When I was at the fourth door, I was already thinking "Screw this!".

If memory serves, didn't the game spawn over a hundred of those gates, scattered throughout the map? True, you only technically had to close one, and even the side-quest oriented gates that you're referring to were theoretically optional, but it didn't help that they were both numerous and repetetive. Weren't there only eight designs in all or some such?

Memory serves you right. Hundreds of gates were scattered throughout the map. The first one you have to close is the Kvatch one, story-related.


However, there's a part on which you have to defend Bruma, and ask for help in all the other cities. It happens that the Daedra spawned a Oblivion gate outside every city, and before getting aid from the residents, they ask you to individually close every single gate.

So like 10 gates are required, story-wise. The last one, at least, changes the design!

Alundra. There was this cavern where you had to make several difficult jumps in a row and you had to make them quickly because the stone ledges would collapse. If you missed any one of them, you fell back to the floor and had to do the entire thing over. Oh, the rage.

Three moments in particular stick out for me. And they're all from Square...

Kingdom Hearts: Platinum Match (Sephiroth). I tried this battle when I unlocked it at lvl 75. After dying maybe 6 times to the never-sufficiently-damned-unblockable-undodgeable-one-hit-Kill attack of his, I decided to come back and try it later. So, at lvl 100, with max equipment, stats, and a belt full of Elixirs, I thought I'd have a better chance. After dying to him for a solid hour and a half, I had him down to a sliver of health, and I went in for the kill...only for him to teleport away, cast the spell, and kill me just before I landed the blow. I gave up and just beat the game after that.

Final Fantasy XIII (Bartandalus ) - I made two attempts at this boss before I used Gamefaqs to figure out what to do. I was at the Crystarium-cap, with near-maxed weapons, and he just kept killing me. Finally, after the fifth 10-minute attempt, I shut it off. I had to come back later and slog through another 3 attempts to kill him.

Final Fantasy VIII. Enough said, really. I had to restart on the first disk after completely screwing my character by overleveling (which actually made my character WEAKER, as it turns out), then again when I entered the first area and got one-hit-killed by a randomly placed T-Rex before I even got to the first dungeon. Then again, at the end, when I unlocked my abilities in the wrong order, which made it physically impossible to progress, and forcing me to backtrack to a save from over a half-hour ago in order to try again. Then the final boss, which wiped all of my full-hp characters out in a single hit 3/4 of the way through the fight.

And I suppose, for a bonus, there was KOTOR for PC, which rendered my game unplayable after 6 hours and corrupted all of my save files, forcing me to start over when it didn't just randomly crash.

Oh, one more, And how could I forget....


I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.


Sonic 2, Master System, Green Hill act 3. The entire game is difficult, the stage 3 of every area is outright sadistic (no rings in the stage with a boss fight? great!), but this one takes the cake. The stage is full of spring-boosted leaps of faith. One mistake and you fall into spikes, die and have to start from the beginning.

Asterix, Master System, stage 7-3. Again the entire game is hard, but this is it.

Revenge of Shinobi, stage 7-1, this jump. Looks easy, right? Well, it seems it isn't. It's the reason why none of my friends were able to beat the game.

Dark Savior on the Saturn, Parallel 4, Silver Castle. 4-way control, isometric view 3D platforming madness with a time limit.

King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2, challenge 10-10. Alba Meira against Nightmare Geese. He has: Life gauge at 150%, Attack power at 200%, Infinite power gauge, can be damaged with only 2 hits or more. Beat him in less than 60 seconds.


Non beated:

Gran Turismo 4. I have to watch the game masturbating playing itself for 8 hours or drive for 24h (no saving in the middle of the race) to win the 24h of Le Mans races? Sorry but I don't have the time and I don't want to do it. Even Test Drive Le Mans for the Dreamcast allowed to save during pit stops. And this is why I don't have 100% in the game.

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Zelda SS

The moment they introduced dowsing....


Vanquish: The game is literally 1 long fire-fight with tiny lame story breaks in between each "room". I always wanted to play this game, I thought it looked very cool, and when it came free to PS+, I d/led it, but it was such a tedious and boring game - I thought to myself "Screw this game!!!"

Closure: I reached a puzzle that I just couldn't solve and said "Screw this game!!!"

Double Dragon Neon: Played it with my brother and got close to the end, but could not get past a certain cheap boss, and we said "Screw this game!!!"

Arius Dion said:
The beginning of Skyward Sword with the constant text. Then the middle of Skyward Sword with The sword constantly stopping progress with saying something obvious (like low batteries) Then towards the end of Skyward Sword where they had you collect 'Tadtones.' At those points I was definitely like 'Screw This!'

No Wonder Animal Crossing is bigger than Zelda now.

That's probably my most recent one as well.  The first playthrough was imperfect but still great, but playing through it again I found myself constantly swearing at the TV.  Fi's interjections aren't just annoying, they're downright unacceptable.  Mixed with the go-nowhere plot it's enough to practically ruin a game for me.


Oh, wait, remembering now.  Pokemon Pinball.  Never have  I played a more frustrating game in my life.  But I've ranted about that before so I won't go on about it here.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

Player2 said:


Revenge of Shinobi, stage 7-1, this jump. Looks easy, right? Well, it seems it isn't. It's the reason why none of my friends were able to beat the game.

Gotta admit, not having played the game, that I'm not sure where the trouble jump lies.

the buggy chopper mission in farcry 3 was the most recent one. Enemies shooting at you and you cant even see them. When I finished the mission I was rather angry than satisfied.

Smartest nam evila

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