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Three moments in particular stick out for me. And they're all from Square...

Kingdom Hearts: Platinum Match (Sephiroth). I tried this battle when I unlocked it at lvl 75. After dying maybe 6 times to the never-sufficiently-damned-unblockable-undodgeable-one-hit-Kill attack of his, I decided to come back and try it later. So, at lvl 100, with max equipment, stats, and a belt full of Elixirs, I thought I'd have a better chance. After dying to him for a solid hour and a half, I had him down to a sliver of health, and I went in for the kill...only for him to teleport away, cast the spell, and kill me just before I landed the blow. I gave up and just beat the game after that.

Final Fantasy XIII (Bartandalus ) - I made two attempts at this boss before I used Gamefaqs to figure out what to do. I was at the Crystarium-cap, with near-maxed weapons, and he just kept killing me. Finally, after the fifth 10-minute attempt, I shut it off. I had to come back later and slog through another 3 attempts to kill him.

Final Fantasy VIII. Enough said, really. I had to restart on the first disk after completely screwing my character by overleveling (which actually made my character WEAKER, as it turns out), then again when I entered the first area and got one-hit-killed by a randomly placed T-Rex before I even got to the first dungeon. Then again, at the end, when I unlocked my abilities in the wrong order, which made it physically impossible to progress, and forcing me to backtrack to a save from over a half-hour ago in order to try again. Then the final boss, which wiped all of my full-hp characters out in a single hit 3/4 of the way through the fight.

And I suppose, for a bonus, there was KOTOR for PC, which rendered my game unplayable after 6 hours and corrupted all of my save files, forcing me to start over when it didn't just randomly crash.

Oh, one more, And how could I forget....


I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.