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Forums - Gaming Discussion - “You’re all being played” Bleszinski slams Sony’s lack of used game blockers as a PR tactic

Robin Hood: Blezinkin! What are you doing?
Blezinkin: Guessing. I guess Sony has DRM.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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''Cliff Bleszinski

You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing.''


Then stop spending so much money on marketing an use it to develop better games!

He worked on Unreal (1998). That remains his highlight for me...

My Etsy store

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

badgenome said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Microsoft won in the end...they pressured Sony into implementing paid multiplayer. It was good while it lasted, but at least they gave people a reason to pay instead of locking them out of an entire experience. Sony taught MS how to create paid multiplayer with added features without locking the consumer out of the experience as if they are some criminal or outcast. I knew it was too good to be true but at least it gives more to the consumer instead of taking away. In that sense I cannot be completely mad. As I said...Sony is more genuine.

They didn't pressure Sony into anything, and they certainly don't "win" if monetizing online play gives Sony more money to work with (moneyhat games, etc.). Consumers lost because too many consumers have proven all generation long that online multiplayer is something they're willing to pay for. Even though people seem to see Sony as the "good guy" right now, they are still a corporation like any other and won't turn down what amounts to free money.

Any major profit geared corporation would feel pressured to profit off of online by locking down a portion of the console OS to a paywall after what Microsoft has achieved. Its not like they can sit there and watch Microsoft profit off of their consumers. Activision even profits off of MS consumers and before the backlash EA was about to as well. MS exploited console gamers after they failed to do it to PC gamers, because they control the gronds for  which your console runs  and make perameters on a closed format system. As you said they are still a corporation even though they found a genuine way to make the payment stick without much argument from people. Can't really argue with wondering what you're paying for when you get free games monthly. It seems Sony has influenced Microsoft in a positive way with all of this. Love Sonys Steam sales though. One thing that Japanese can learn from capitalist corporations is how to profit off of consumers while giving away as little as possible and holding people hopes in your hand. Look at Capcom, they are the direct example of an Americanized Japanese corporation. They have no soul and have been swindling gamers the whole gen.

m0ney said:
He worked on Unreal (1998). That remains his highlight for me...

Gears made him a rich man on the consoles though. That console profit is huge.

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isnt this just simple economics? If its impossible to profit from big AAA games you either lower the budget of the game or you enforce new strategies to profit more from your AAA game. One of these strategies is of cource DRM and the publishers have every right to enforce DRM policies if they so wish. But to then get upset because the costumer doesnt want to purchase your product with DRM? absolutly ridiculous...

badgenome said:
curl-6 said:

Then budgets need to be reduced.

That is silly.

No it's not. More money doesn't mean better games. If they're not profitable, they need to be less wasteful.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

One thing that Japanese can learn from capitalist corporations is how to profit off of consumers while giving away as little as possible and holding people hopes in your hand. Look at Capcom, they are the direct example of an Americanized Japanese corporation. They have no soul and have been swindling gamers the whole gen.

um... wat. You don't think Japanese corporations are capitalist? You have some very strange ideas about capitalism, I have to say.

curl-6 said:

No it's not. More money doesn't mean better games. If they're not profitable, they need to be less wasteful.

Cliffy B says it's silly, so it's silly. He made Gears of War, you know.

I actually agree with Cliff and what Microsoft are doing with DRM.

I won't buy the console, but I agree with their stance, I just think that there could be a middle ground rather than taking such a strict stance.

DRM already exists anyway for games you buy from Xbox Live or PSN. These companies need to find a way to make purchasing these games more attractive.

For example, lets say a game at launch retails at $45 instead of $60. That to me would be an acceptable environment to implement DRM.