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Forums - Gaming Discussion - square enix ff 15 and kingdom hearths 3 will be multiplatform , ps4 and xbone

I expect a lot of meltdowns over on NeoGaf and N4G.

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We all knew it, more people will enjoy it. BTW is FF15 still coming to PS3?

When they didnt call it an exclusive at the conference, but called XIV an exclusive afterwards...

It was obvious.

Is anyone actually surprised?


If you don´t hear the word 'exclusive' when games are announced, always assume it´s multiplatform...after all, platform holders WILL want to make sure people know it´s exclusive.

Nsanity said:
I expect a lot of meltdowns over on NeoGaf and N4G.

Lol, yeah fanboy dominated websites tend to be that way. 

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The reason y this is somewhat surprising is because along with the rumor that it was being changed to ff xv, was that Sony had stepped in to help develop it which would keep it exclusive. This is a big blow to the ps4 and almost confirms that kh3 is also going to another platform

Interesting. I wonder what deal both Sony and SE agreed on to make amends to each other regarding the vsXIII mess.

The closest amend I can think off is that the lead system where XV will be developed for is the PS4 or timed exclusivity. The latter is ugly but so I don't think that'll be the case.

Good, hopefully those people who choose X1 can pick it up as well.

That's fine. So they'll spend millions porting it, and sell it to all ten thousand people who buy the xb1

Well, I'm watching Spike TV on GT right now and I saw some banner saying FFXV and KH3 confirmed as PS4 exclusives...

Who should we trust?

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