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Forums - Sales Discussion - Fun Fact: Assassins Creed (Combined) tracking above SMG

konnichiwa said:
I don't liked AC and the game was not finished yet it had to many glitches to be gold in my opinion.

Still a new IP that sells so much like SMG is special considering SMG haves a huge fanbase while with AC no one knows what to expected..

But if you talk about Assassins Creed, everyone thinks about Jade Raymonds. That's a big plus for the game, and pushed the sales that far.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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Erik Aston said:
I don't understand this "just another Mario game" thing.

Nintendo has only released 4 main series Mario games in the last 15 years. I can understand dissing "just another Mario spin-off," but for sane gamers, a new main series Mario game is a big deal.

But that's not to say Assassin's Creed shouldn't have been a hit.

Both Galaxy and AC did things that were new, and which were apparantly fun and exciting to audiences. They both sold exceptionally well. Nothing magical about that, and nothing undeserved either.

Well spoken. I don't own any of the both games, but as far as I know from reviews, comments, screenshots and more both seem to be well made games worth buying. I don't own Galaxy, because I don't like Jump&Runs at all (but I accept that Galaxy may be a very good example of this genre) and I don't own Assassins Creed because I don't own any of the platforms it is for. If I would play Jump&Runs or would own a X360 or PS3 I would've considered buying the games. That's why all the bashing to the two games seem to be very fanboyish from both sides.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

AC wasnt a great game, but it was a very ambitious idea when you think about all that they were trying to accomplish with it. While this one was very much in need of polish, hopefully they will continue with the series somehow, and next time around make it an even better game.

I do have to agree with the "Just another Mario Game" statement. I think anyone who doesnt see that SMG is just a rehash of previous Mario's with a few new touches to it is in denial. The Story is essentially the same, once again the Princess is kidnapped, Mario has to rescue her. Same mechanics of collecting stars in the stages and what not.

In all honesty, had this game not been designed to be played with the Wiimote, and played with a conventional style controller instead, more people would say its just a rehash. And before anyone says "thats what makes it so innovative and new", while the controls were tight on the Wiimote, the controls would have been just as good or even better on a conventional controller like the gamecube controller, its not like the game really took that much advantage of the Wiimote controls.

Mnementh said:
Erik Aston said:
I don't understand this "just another Mario game" thing.

Nintendo has only released 4 main series Mario games in the last 15 years. I can understand dissing "just another Mario spin-off," but for sane gamers, a new main series Mario game is a big deal.

But that's not to say Assassin's Creed shouldn't have been a hit.

Both Galaxy and AC did things that were new, and which were apparantly fun and exciting to audiences. They both sold exceptionally well. Nothing magical about that, and nothing undeserved either.

Well spoken. I don't own any of the both games, but as far as I know from reviews, comments, screenshots and more both seem to be well made games worth buying. I don't own Galaxy, because I don't like Jump&Runs at all (but I accept that Galaxy may be a very good example of this genre) and I don't own Assassins Creed because I don't own any of the platforms it is for. If I would play Jump&Runs or would own a X360 or PS3 I would've considered buying the games. That's why all the bashing to the two games seem to be very fanboyish from both sides.

 How is it fanboyish?  Is this the PS360 bots vs Wiiboys?  That would be weird bed fellows if you ask me.  The honest truth is AC is not that great a game, like i mentioned earlier, has a ton of faults, but its ambitious and new idea, and it really can be fun at times.    

Mario is a good game, but it suffers, imo, from being a similar game to previous Marios.  It is a really fun game too, but when playing it, i get the feeling it would be better with a regular controller, and that the story and idea of the game are kind of rehashed.  Yes, the whole gravity thing is pretty cool, but its not the first game to have really weird gravity and jumping around on small little planets.  (Prey does that in First Person style)  

Faxanadu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

Faxanadu said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
I agree with the "yamg"...

AC is much more deserving of having higher sales than SMG IMO

Ugh, are you guys serious? Assassin's Creed? Did you play the same game I did? Have you ever played Super Mario Galaxy? Jesus, man, Assassin's Creed was slightly above average, while SMG was the GotY last year.


I can't disprove your opinion, however, I can tell you this.


Your opinion is in the VAST minority, when it comes to Assassin's Creed vs SMG.

Didn't you notice? Sony fanboys on VGC have been parroting the same thing regarding SMG for the past few weeks, in that [insert PS3 game] is better than Galaxy and deserves to sell more. Last weekit was "rachete is bettr than galaxies!!1", this week it's Assassin's Creed. Next week will probably be Uncharted. Since they have such a limited pool to pull from, they'll probably just start over.


Tell me, genius. Am I a Sony/ PS3 fanboy? Your post is quite, excuse my words, pathetic. Please dont just jump in and defend your system blindly all the time.

For your information. This thread is based on a FACT (look up in dictionary, please) and not an opinion. I was just surprised seeing this FACT. Thats why I actually made this thread.


Considering that I wasn't talking about or even referring to you in the least (but instead the user with the original quote), I find your post both sad and pathetic. Please don't just jump in and defend your system blindly all the time.

People really need to start the sticks out of their ass on this site.


there, i highlighted for you. question: who opened the thread comparing SMG to AC?

if I misunderstood you, I am sorry.


Squall_Leonhart said:
I agree with the "yamg"...

AC is much more deserving of having higher sales than SMG IMO

I didn't think I'd have to point Squall out considering he was the original quote and a repeat offender, and as far as I remember one of the main fanboys parroting in that thread that turned into galaxy vs. ratchet over some stupid Jaffe comments.  You might want to get the "FACTS" before you blow up next time.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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Faxanadu said:
lvader said:
It might have been interesting if true, but SMG has sold 5.48M vs Assassins 5.3M. SMG will start to pull ahead now.

 align start dates and look at week 11 (last week for AC). thats what it means, tracking above. relative to time.

This is stupid, Assassins is only ahead because Japan released SMG 2 weeks ahead of other regions, if you align release dates SMG is still ahead (5.44M)



What? There's nothing like Galaxy. Even if you try to find a game that has similar mechanics or it still does not match the gameplay of Galaxy. The gravity aspect of Prey was completely different from Galaxy and can not be compared. However, if that is your argument then Thief and Hitman gave birth to Assassins Creed. All Ubisoft did was change the setting and period where the game takes place.

Furthermore, read the reviews of each game and see what has been stated about each game. This will give a person a more objective look at the games and hopefully stem the tide of this game is better because it is on X system or Y system.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


Argh. Everyone who's trying to argue that one or another game sucks... well those people suck. They're both great games. But this thread was to discuss the sales of them. And as long as we're at that, I'm surprised no one has pointed out the user base.

If we're going to combine multiplatform sales we should combine their multi user base as well. And so far Galaxy is selling to 20.64 consoles and Assassin's Creed is selling to 26.33 consoles.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Good point Stof. If you look at attachment rate. It is as following.

SMG: Total sales after 11 weeks: 5.15M. Userbase: 20M = 25.75 % attachment rate.

Assassins creed Ps3: Total sales after 11 weeks: 2.05M. Userbase: 9.4M = 21.8 %

Assassin's Creed X360: Total sales after 11 weeks: 3.25M. Userbase: 16.5M = 19.6 %

SMG has highest attachment rate and is likely to have most legs.

Now, off topic (I just do this for myself, you don't have to read this)

SMG attachment rate: 11 weeks = 25.75 %

CoD 4 X360: 11 weeks: 4.3M. Base: 16.5 M = 26.0 %

CoD 4 Ps3: 11 weeks: 2.1M. Base: 9.4M = 22.3 %

CoD overall has a lower attachment rate than Wii, but X360 version is higher.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I don't get why we're even arguing about the sales of a game on TWO consoles vs. a game on ONE.

Hey guys, guess what, GH sold more than Mass Effect! OOOoooo.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )