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AC wasnt a great game, but it was a very ambitious idea when you think about all that they were trying to accomplish with it. While this one was very much in need of polish, hopefully they will continue with the series somehow, and next time around make it an even better game.

I do have to agree with the "Just another Mario Game" statement. I think anyone who doesnt see that SMG is just a rehash of previous Mario's with a few new touches to it is in denial. The Story is essentially the same, once again the Princess is kidnapped, Mario has to rescue her. Same mechanics of collecting stars in the stages and what not.

In all honesty, had this game not been designed to be played with the Wiimote, and played with a conventional style controller instead, more people would say its just a rehash. And before anyone says "thats what makes it so innovative and new", while the controls were tight on the Wiimote, the controls would have been just as good or even better on a conventional controller like the gamecube controller, its not like the game really took that much advantage of the Wiimote controls.