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Mnementh said:
Erik Aston said:
I don't understand this "just another Mario game" thing.

Nintendo has only released 4 main series Mario games in the last 15 years. I can understand dissing "just another Mario spin-off," but for sane gamers, a new main series Mario game is a big deal.

But that's not to say Assassin's Creed shouldn't have been a hit.

Both Galaxy and AC did things that were new, and which were apparantly fun and exciting to audiences. They both sold exceptionally well. Nothing magical about that, and nothing undeserved either.

Well spoken. I don't own any of the both games, but as far as I know from reviews, comments, screenshots and more both seem to be well made games worth buying. I don't own Galaxy, because I don't like Jump&Runs at all (but I accept that Galaxy may be a very good example of this genre) and I don't own Assassins Creed because I don't own any of the platforms it is for. If I would play Jump&Runs or would own a X360 or PS3 I would've considered buying the games. That's why all the bashing to the two games seem to be very fanboyish from both sides.

 How is it fanboyish?  Is this the PS360 bots vs Wiiboys?  That would be weird bed fellows if you ask me.  The honest truth is AC is not that great a game, like i mentioned earlier, has a ton of faults, but its ambitious and new idea, and it really can be fun at times.    

Mario is a good game, but it suffers, imo, from being a similar game to previous Marios.  It is a really fun game too, but when playing it, i get the feeling it would be better with a regular controller, and that the story and idea of the game are kind of rehashed.  Yes, the whole gravity thing is pretty cool, but its not the first game to have really weird gravity and jumping around on small little planets.  (Prey does that in First Person style)