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Forums - Sales Discussion - What if Wii actually ends up in 3rd place?

dsgrue3 said:
sales2099 said:
dsgrue3 said:
curl-6 said:
The throne is secure, the 8th gen has already begun and will kick into high gear these holidays.
Passing the winner AFTER the finish line isn't winning.

So tired of this type of comment. It's absolutely false in every regard.

There is no finish line in an endurance race.

There is when the audience leaves. When people stop caring and have moved on.

People who are buying the consoles apparently care enough to spend their hard-earned money to enjoy it.

I guess those sales are obsolete because you say so? Sony/MS/Ninty sure beg to differ with your opinion due to profiting on the units and games.

Sorry dude, your opinion is not relevant to the objective truth that a sale occurred.

You honetsly going to care in 4 years? I hope not......anything more then a "huh, that's nice" is kinda weird IMO. 

At this point, sales are coming from casuals and in the coming years, mostly developing countries. I didn't know we are grouping them with us, avid, core gamer fans. My bad........

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
I mean this as a joke......because it seems every time this happens; when someone sees a threads point and makes a observation or sees things at a more deeper level (rather then the skin-deep level of "sales is sales"), you come in with the "stick to the thread" mentality. Youv'e said it here a couple times and I have seen it before.

Please, try not to hide behind the thread title as a we really have to make a dedicated thread talking about other factors like profit/marketshare gains, etc. so you don't have to resort to your behaviour? It is fine to make a off-hand observation in a don't have to be a thread nazi . Argue it, rather then retreat to the thread title.

When I see people changing the argument of the OP I set them straight.

If you want to debate what "winning" a generation is to you, make your own thread? 

This thread is about sales, an objective fact, not some subjective argument about what it means to win.

sales2099 said:

You honetsly going to care in 4 years? I hope not......anything more then a "huh, that's nice" is kinda weird IMO. 

At this point, sales are coming from casuals and in the coming years, mostly developing countries. I didn't know we are grouping them with us, avid, core gamer fans. My bad........

Me personally? Nope. I've even said this to you before. Bad memory?

dsgrue3 said:
sales2099 said:
I mean this as a joke......because it seems every time this happens; when someone sees a threads point and makes a observation or sees things at a more deeper level (rather then the skin-deep level of "sales is sales"), you come in with the "stick to the thread" mentality. Youv'e said it here a couple times and I have seen it before.

Please, try not to hide behind the thread title as a we really have to make a dedicated thread talking about other factors like profit/marketshare gains, etc. so you don't have to resort to your behaviour? It is fine to make a off-hand observation in a don't have to be a thread nazi . Argue it, rather then retreat to the thread title.

When I see people changing the argument of the OP I set them straight.

If you want to debate what "winning" a generation is to you, make your own thread? 

This thread is about sales, an objective fact, not some subjective argument about what it means to win.

sales2099 said:

You honetsly going to care in 4 years? I hope not......anything more then a "huh, that's nice" is kinda weird IMO. 

At this point, sales are coming from casuals and in the coming years, mostly developing countries. I didn't know we are grouping them with us, avid, core gamer fans. My bad........

Me personally? Nope. I've even said this to you before. Bad memory?

Bold: You wouldn't post here if you didn't have at least some interest, this thread being about the future and all. I know you like to stick to the thread :P

Italic: Fair enough I suppose. But from a corporate perspective, I think they would value profit first, market share gains second, before they value lifetime sales. And I think since it is their industry, we just fuel it, their criteria of winning > ours. But like you said, that is for another thread.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

Bold: You wouldn't post here if you didn't have at least some interest, this thread being about the future and all. I know you like to stick to the thread :P

Italic: Fair enough I suppose. But from a corporate perspective, I think they would value profit first, market share gains second, before they value lifetime sales. And I think since it is their industry, we just fuel it, their criteria of winning > ours. But like you said, that is for another thread.

My interest in this thread, and this forum for that matter, is in debunking the claims of fans who for some reason struggle with simple logical constructs (race is not over, sales are not obsolete) and decide to conflate two entirely different arguments (the argument of the OP - objective (sales) and the argument of defensive fans - subjective (winning)).

It has little to nothing to do with the actual content therein.

dsgrue3 said:
sales2099 said:

Bold: You wouldn't post here if you didn't have at least some interest, this thread being about the future and all. I know you like to stick to the thread :P

Italic: Fair enough I suppose. But from a corporate perspective, I think they would value profit first, market share gains second, before they value lifetime sales. And I think since it is their industry, we just fuel it, their criteria of winning > ours. But like you said, that is for another thread.

My interest in this thread, and this forum for that matter, is in debunking the claims of fans who for some reason struggle with simple logical constructs (race is not over, sales are not obsolete) and decide to conflate two entirely different arguments (the argument of the OP - objective (sales) and the argument of defensive fans - subjective (winning)).

It has little to nothing to do with the actual content therein.

This is off topic, but I am intrigued that you publically admitted this...that your main purpose is to valiantly "fight the good fight", a forum vigilante; prowling the digital streets looking for wrongdoings to right, seeing that you have a self-proclaimed duty, and free of charge. But most importantly, you put the actual content second to said justice dispensing. 

Not many people can admit that, and is rare indeed. Kudos. I just hope you dispense verbal justice to all fans equally

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Wii (Wii)
99.83 mil.

why is wii higher on platform totals then on the main page ?

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

pezus said:
Chandler said:
Only a fanboy would care 4 years from now.

You will care, when I (or someone else) bring it up. Just like now you care enough to post in here.

I do not care enough to bring stuff like this up, so......Only a fanboy would care 4 years from now.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Are we still arguing this?

PS3 ain't passing it anytime soon, even if it might in the future. For now the Wii is Kiing. Long live the king. We'll congrats PS3 if it gets there but for now the Wii won and is still the current leader of the gen.

Maybe we wait a couple years before we jump to conclusions eh? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

famousringo said:
noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
1. It will likely still have the privilege of being the most profitable.

2. It will be yet another sign that third party publishers have near-total control of this market.

I disagree with #2 wholeheartedly.

Why? Because the publishers have been earning crap profits?

In small part, but mostly because for a four-year stretch the system was handily thrashing its rivals based almost exclusively on first-party offerings, and I see little to indicate that trend could not have continued if the first-party titles didn't largely vanish overnight.

noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
1. It will likely still have the privilege of being the most profitable.

2. It will be yet another sign that third party publishers have near-total control of this market.

I disagree with #2 wholeheartedly.

Why? Because the publishers have been earning crap profits?

In small part, but mostly because for a four-year stretch the system was handily thrashing its rivals based almost exclusively on first-party offerings, and I see little to indicate that trend could not have continued if the first-party titles didn't largely vanish overnight.

In quantity sure. But the exclusives themselves never made a splash in the industry, apart from the heavy hitter IPs, thus most of them didn't sell as good as multiplat games in similar genres.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.