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sales2099 said:
I mean this as a joke......because it seems every time this happens; when someone sees a threads point and makes a observation or sees things at a more deeper level (rather then the skin-deep level of "sales is sales"), you come in with the "stick to the thread" mentality. Youv'e said it here a couple times and I have seen it before.

Please, try not to hide behind the thread title as a we really have to make a dedicated thread talking about other factors like profit/marketshare gains, etc. so you don't have to resort to your behaviour? It is fine to make a off-hand observation in a don't have to be a thread nazi . Argue it, rather then retreat to the thread title.

When I see people changing the argument of the OP I set them straight.

If you want to debate what "winning" a generation is to you, make your own thread? 

This thread is about sales, an objective fact, not some subjective argument about what it means to win.

sales2099 said:

You honetsly going to care in 4 years? I hope not......anything more then a "huh, that's nice" is kinda weird IMO. 

At this point, sales are coming from casuals and in the coming years, mostly developing countries. I didn't know we are grouping them with us, avid, core gamer fans. My bad........

Me personally? Nope. I've even said this to you before. Bad memory?