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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Males of Vgchartz: Have you ever tried to have sex with your significant other while they were sound asleep?

I did a bit touching but it didnt work..every corner was dry :*(

Tsubasa Ozora

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Soleron said:

I haven't had any relationships at all. But this is a question of morality and certain people in the thread are extending 'well she'd probably let you' to 'it's OK to have sex with someone who hasn't given explicit consent'. Which it isn't.

There's definitely a certain point in your relationship you need to cross before something like this becomes okay and not something you need to worry about. I'm pretty sure everyone here who thinks of it as okay is already passed that point in their relationship. Of course, crossing that point in the relationship comes even quicker if she tells you straight up that she wants it. 

Don't worry about it too much.

fordy said:

haha... I am losing it here... haha +1000


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Soleron said:
ghost_of_fazz said:
Soleron said:
ghost_of_fazz said:


I feel you're thinking of it in a very bureucratic way. Or maybe you've only been with people that think of it that way.

I think that if there's trust in the relationship, you are not needed to base your actions off what The Law says. Really, when a girl says "you can do anything you want to me", it's because she trusts you that you'll never want to do anything bad to her, or anything that she wouldn't like.

It's just very scary because you can think you have that trust, and that you can take some of her words to imply consent, and then next thing BAM jail time.

So it's all about jail, eh? Jail is what you're scared of, then...

You know what I would be scared of in a situation like this? Of her getting grumpy because she really needed the sleep and rest. Maybe you've never had real trust in your relationships if you're afraid of your partners sending you to jail for something like this... :/

I haven't had any relationships at all. But this is a question of morality and certain people in the thread are extending 'well she'd probably let you' to 'it's OK to have sex with someone who hasn't given explicit consent'. Which it isn't.

There is a level of implied consent in a relationship which allows you to do certain things without asking, what those certain things are depends on the individuals and the relationship.

You can't for example kiss a random person on the lips when you meet them on the street but this is normal in a relationship.  Same goes for hugging, walking into the bathroom while they're showering, slapping their ass, kissing their neck, unbuttoning their jeans etc.  At a certain point in a relationship each of these kind of things becomes something you don't have to explicitly ask for permission to do, where that line is finally drawn is again down to the individuals and the relationship.

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I did that once...She fell alseep after shower sex...I was just not done....Was pretty difficlut since her muscle would not respond


spurgeonryan said:
cannonballZ said:

The sex was great until that point. I didn't like it and she did. She felt I was trying to more of a dad than a boyfriend when i told her to stop doing them.We parted ways, and unfortunately she has been through rehab about 7x now. i still speak to her, we are good friends now.

Whoa whoa whoa, First off that was a long quote tree, second off- My penis is perfectly fine. Maybe not nine inches like some lucky males, but fine all the same.


wait, what? I'm lost on that one. I don't think I implied anything about penis size, LOL. It was more like she had a very sensitive vagina!

Sorry about the quote tree, I just learned yesterday that it is the devil. 

hsrob said:
Soleron said:
ghost_of_fazz said:
Soleron said:
ghost_of_fazz said:


I feel you're thinking of it in a very bureucratic way. Or maybe you've only been with people that think of it that way.

I think that if there's trust in the relationship, you are not needed to base your actions off what The Law says. Really, when a girl says "you can do anything you want to me", it's because she trusts you that you'll never want to do anything bad to her, or anything that she wouldn't like.

It's just very scary because you can think you have that trust, and that you can take some of her words to imply consent, and then next thing BAM jail time.

So it's all about jail, eh? Jail is what you're scared of, then...

You know what I would be scared of in a situation like this? Of her getting grumpy because she really needed the sleep and rest. Maybe you've never had real trust in your relationships if you're afraid of your partners sending you to jail for something like this... :/

I haven't had any relationships at all. But this is a question of morality and certain people in the thread are extending 'well she'd probably let you' to 'it's OK to have sex with someone who hasn't given explicit consent'. Which it isn't.

There is a level of implied consent in a relationship which allows you to do certain things without asking, what those certain things are depends on the individuals and the relationship.

You can't for example kiss a random person on the lips when you meet them on the street but this is normal in a relationship.  Same goes for hugging, walking into the bathroom while they're showering, slapping their ass, kissing their neck, unbuttoning their jeans etc.  At a certain point in a relationship each of these kind of things becomes something you don't have to explicitly ask for permission to do, where that line is finally drawn is again down to the individuals and the relationship.

I can't speak for some of the others, but especially once you're married. You become comfortable with each and figure what is ok and what is not. Nothing would kill a mood faster than me asking my wife "Do I have your consent to act further?"

Relationships are not that bureaucratic.

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I used to do it all the time with my ex. It makes it easier that we would sleep naked all the time unless she had her period.

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