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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA upset with Nintendo for not blocking used games? Possible pressure from EA for Sony to follow?

noname2200 said:
sergiodaly said:

with Xbox One needing online connection to active and after that it installs the whole game in the hard drive and the BD disc is to be stored and "never" used again... whats the difference? is there but is slim, very slim...

still EA would be making more money from e-shop than the actual nothing they are making now with all this mess. my opinion is still the same... its something else.

It's actually quite a big difference. The audience that visits the eShop (or any of the digital console stores) is dwarfed by the audience that still buys retail. Making your game eShop-exclusive is a great way to ensure you're lucky to hit 100,000 sales.

you are right,

but 100.000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0

no way EA or anyone else would prefer to sell 0 over selling 100k, and start this s*** storm over something that is new and not proven to work

so i still think is something else.

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

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Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Ah, the plot tickens...

At first I read "Ah, the plot kittens..."

If PS4 follows suit I won't be buying that either. Unless games halve in price. I'll just stick to PC.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

they sure do know how to kill enthusiasm for gaming.


Edit: Its like the gaming companies have become shitty banks, fees for everything!


Wow to think I was ripping on Nintendo for not having any 3rd party support,
I give props to them for standing up to these greedy ass corporations.....I will buy your console just to support this philosophy

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I believe after the PS4 reveal that Sony stated that they will leave it in the hands of the developers; which sounds better but still wrong(imo) but it does lead to something interesting; who will be seen a greedy or "loyal to the consumer"

I won't jump the gun just yet, there might be a reason to where reason why EA is giving MS all this exclusive content, and was absent from Sony's floor during their reveal. Though EA will likely charge a fee for used games using "Sony's method" it could be possible that Sony is to important for EA to ignore like the Nintendo's Wii U; both BF3 and Fifa 13 sold 6mil+ on the PS3, there's no way EA can make that up on the X1 alone. So give MS exclusive incetives while nothing for PS4.

sergiodaly said:

you are right,

but 100.000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0

no way EA or anyone else would prefer to sell 0 over selling 100k, and start this s*** storm over something that is new and not proven to work

so i still think is something else.

Actually, I disagree. To a company like EA, 100k sales is a measly drop in the bucket, one which does not justify the expense and effort they would incur in porting the game over in the first place. An indie company of two dudes might jump for joy at 100k, but EA can, and honestly should, find a better use of its resources.

Yeah if Sony implement this crap I'll buy a WiiU even if I don't plan to get any games for it. Even though I buy all my games new I'll just stick to PC.

arcane_chaos said:
I believe after the PS4 reveal that Sony stated that they will leave it in the hands of the developers; which sounds better but still wrong(imo) but it does lead to something interesting; who will be seen a greedy or "loyal to the consumer"

I won't jump the gun just yet, there might be a reason to where reason why EA is giving MS all this exclusive content, and was absent from Sony's floor during their reveal. Though EA will likely charge a fee for used games using "Sony's method" it could be possible that Sony is to important for EA to ignore like the Nintendo's Wii U; both BF3 and Fifa 13 sold 6mil+ on the PS3, there's no way EA can make that up on the X1 alone. So give MS exclusive incetives while nothing for PS4.

I am very worried that Sony will pull some bs like they did with the VIta memory cards.

superchunk said:

They said its up to the publishers and dodged questions on it almost entirely.

this does not sound like its dodging the Question:

I sat down with Yoshida a few hours after the PS4 reveal tonight and one of the first things I asked was whether used games would be blocked.

"Do you want us to do that?" he asked.

No, I said. I think, if you buy something on a disc, that you have a kind of moral contract with the person you've bought it from that you retain some of that value and you can pass it on.

Do you agree, I asked?

"Yes. That's the general expectation by consumers," said Yoshida. "They purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.