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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA upset with Nintendo for not blocking used games? Possible pressure from EA for Sony to follow?

Yes another EA vs Nintendo thread.

Could this be the reason for the lack of support from EA for the wiiU. They were upset with nintendo for not blocking used games in some sort of form.

Does this mean we will see some sort of feature like this also on the PS4? Its likely that they can be putting pressure on Sony to implement some feature like this on the PS4.

What are the implications for stuff like this to gamers going into the next gen?

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

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This strongly implicates I won't buy the Nextbox.

Didn't EA just say like a month ago how they were no longer interested in pursuing DRM?

This is exactly it.

EA has been pushing hard for locked games to an account as happens with Origin and your PC.

Nintendo likely agreed with this initially and then backed out at some point in 2012. Then EA removed all support from Nintendo, purposely gimped their first few games to get what they needed to back out of contractual agreements for various titles.

MS and I'm sure Sony have already agreed to this. MS is just first to comment directly on it while Sony simply dodged the questions.

This very well may be the only reason Nintendo gets screwed by 3rd parties... or at least those that greatly want to force the removal of the used gaming market.

Ah, the plot tickens...

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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Maybe EA just doesn't want to force tablet features to their ip(plus the fact WII u is barely on pace with vita sales)



It does explain EA dropping those online passes.

That´s sad.

This was definitely a factor. Most likely one of multiple.

I'd be devastated if Sony starts doing to same thing. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

theprof00 said:
Didn't EA just say like a month ago how they were no longer interested in pursuing DRM?

No, they said they were dropping Online Passes.

With Steam and Origin on PCs, they don't need to.

With this new key tied to an account system that MS and likely Sony will implment, they won't need to.

Basically, the platforms have made online passes obsolete.


Nintendo is the only one who has not implemented a system like this. Nintendo is the only one being blacklisted by EA. Coincidence? I think not.