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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are PS3 Exclusives That Good?

'Is gaming that good? I don't own any gaming platforms, but I've played games before and wasn't that impressed. Are gamers pretending to have more fun than they actually are to convince non-gamers to play games?'

You're kind of looking for objectivity where it doesn't really fit.

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It depends on the type of exclusive. When you talk about first party I would say NO they are overhyped. When you talk about third party exclusives I would say yes. For alot of gamers gaming is still niche its what it was 20 years ago. People like me buy special games stuff like Ni no Kuni I also bought games like Little Kings Story and stuff like No More Heroes on Wii.

People started to buy Sony consoles because of the third party exclusives like FF7 etc. and alot still do just because of that.

I am going to make a thread in the form of a question just to hide the fact that I just want to say how I don't think PS3 exclusives are great, to say people should see it that way, and that if they don't they must be Sony fanboys.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

yes, yes they are

From the ones I've played, this is my opinion.

Good/Very good/amazing:
-Uncharted 1-3
-Demon's Souls
-Gran Turismo 5
-Heavy Rain
-Yakuza 3-4
-God of War (most)
-Valkyria Chronicles

Not that good:
-InFamous 1-2 (sorry, I know it's a fan favourite but not for me).
-SotC/Ico (yeah, I know, I'm going to hell, again sorry).
-Killzone (just played 3).

From the top of my head these are the ones I've played.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

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Valkyria Chronicles is the Game of the Generation, if that means anything to you


You haven't played enough, apparently. There are dozens of PS3 exclusives worth buying the console for, and they don't even need to be the most popular or the best-selling ones.



From my experience, some are, some aren't. But that's really what it comes down to, personal opinion. Some people will love Uncharted while some people hate it (me). Some people will love LittleBigPlanet (me), while others can't stand it.

Not worse but also not better than on any other platform.
There are always the top tier and the mid tier exclusives.

I love God of War 3, Resistance 2 and the Uncharted series
I like Resistance FOM, Ratchet&Clank series and Infamous series
I'm not too fond of Killzone 2, Heavenly Sword and LittleBigPlanet series

the same can be said for every other console/handheld manufacturer.