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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

I love these guys. :D

"It's next generation... for THEM!" :D Awesome stuff.

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Th3PANO said:
UltimateUnknown said:
Th3PANO said:
UltimateUnknown said:
Well the laughing part was somewhat silly perhaps, but the Wii U is kind of irrelevant in terms of 3rd party support when compared to the PS4 and 720, which is what they were laughing at.

they also talked about wii u not really being next gen, so i guess ps 2 wasn't next gen back then?

I don't think the difference in specs between the Xbox/Gamecube and the PS2 is of the same magnitude as the difference between Wii and PS3/360 or Wii U and PS4/720. The last comparison still needs to be confirmed when 720 specs are released and PS4 confirmed, but the Wii one for sure.

doesn't change the fact that 3rd party titles looked much worse on ps 2. yes, they don't get 3rd party support from ea. many others. but nobody even mentions the indy developers where nintendo is really doing a great job lately. more so then microsoft and sony to be honest. more and more aaa developers will fall.

Why will big AAA developers fail if they are not bringing games to a system that isnt selling? also comparing the Wii-PS3/360 gap to the PS2/gamcube/Xbox gap is hilarious. PS3 and 360 are so rediulously far ahead then the Wii. 

also like to add i love nintendo just pointing out how silly your posts are. 

OT: i agree to see people wihing the wiiu would fail is rediculous. all 3 players doing well is good for the industy 

Gaming journalism is pretty bad, sorry but that's the truth

Train wreck said:

The cost of AAA games have not become unsustainanble because many of these games acheieve the sales numbers they set out to get (most are internal and we never get them but you dont see a majority of companies complaining).  Also where are the companies getting the money to have such massive budgets?  I guess its from their AAA games selling alot.

I think the numbers that Square Enix were pumping out were amaturish at best, not knowing the western market at all and relying on Metacritic data to gague sales.  The same with Capcom and Resident Evil 6, they overestimated the game substanatially failing to realize they moved the game into a direction that the majority of its buyers did not want to go. THQ the same with Darkstriders, they gave that game a AAA budget when it was a single A game at best.  You dont see amature hour mistakes with Sony or Microsoft with Uncharted and Halo, Activision or Ubisoft...and when you do, they cut tail as soon as possible and regroup (activision is the top example)

@bold. I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, even your prior post mentioned the importance of other revenue streams such as casual games.

Also, take a look at the link Osed provided. 3 typical games requiring 3 to 5 million copies sold to break even.

That's one part of it. Then, there are like you pointed out cases of failed ventures where the market research wasn't properly done and expectations were misplaced, that just compounds to the issue.

I'm not sure that's a super positive outlook.

happydolphin said:

I have to agree this is a good post.

Having said that, how much poor management is in line with the shunning of Nintendo? It seems to all be part of one and the same problem. Also, though it is due to poor management, I think it's the case for many studios, they are mismanaged. The PS470 platform will only compound the problem.

I think the poor management can be pointed both ways. 3rd parties ignoring Nintendo homeconsoles with big projects (Like the previously mentioned Tomb Raider, which could easily be done on Wii U) and Nintendo not giving incentives ($$$) to 3rd parties to bring the games to Nintendo homeconsoles.

Look what Microsoft did with the 360. Look at the JP support they took from Sony. Look what they did with Gears, GTA, CoD and Bethesda games. They offered incentives. Those incentives were all $$$, granted, but they still put all the effort in to get those games and publishers on the 360. They then built the userbases for said games and the console did extremely well from it.

PS4/Nextbox could be very much the same as this generation. I dont really expect a lot of publishers to push them to the limits. You will get the odd behemoth game that blows us away, but a lot of games will continue to be on par with current gen games. The only difference will be the development ease. While PS3 was horrible to make games for, the PS4 is being complimented for extreme ease of use. Its 100% developer friendly for the big studios and indie developers. They're also continuing to push the casual-friendly motion control that Wii made big.

Nextbox? We dont quite know enough yet. What we do know though, is that it has Kinect. Kinect is lined up perfectly to take that expanded crowd from Nintendo, now that they have seemingly abandoned them. 

I dont think the next generation is going to be as bad as people think. Not unless everyone goes batshit crazy over the huge specs and pushes out Battlefield 4-like games from day 1. I still expect games like LEGO, Zumba and Just Dance to be pushing out Millions. I still think there will be a market for games like Carnival Games and Winter Sports. Then you add in the money from Mobile gaming. There will be some casualites, there always is, but overall I think the dev-friendly approach will bring good things.

osed125 said:

Unfortunately it isn't only SE...

Thats a pretty good piece. Thanks for sharing.


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happydolphin said:
Train wreck said:

The cost of AAA games have not become unsustainanble because many of these games acheieve the sales numbers they set out to get (most are internal and we never get them but you dont see a majority of companies complaining).  Also where are the companies getting the money to have such massive budgets?  I guess its from their AAA games selling alot.

I think the numbers that Square Enix were pumping out were amaturish at best, not knowing the western market at all and relying on Metacritic data to gague sales.  The same with Capcom and Resident Evil 6, they overestimated the game substanatially failing to realize they moved the game into a direction that the majority of its buyers did not want to go. THQ the same with Darkstriders, they gave that game a AAA budget when it was a single A game at best.  You dont see amature hour mistakes with Sony or Microsoft with Uncharted and Halo, Activision or Ubisoft...and when you do, they cut tail as soon as possible and regroup (activision is the top example)

@bold. I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, even your prior post mentioned the importance of other revenue streams such as casual games.

Also, take a look at the link Osed provided. 3 typical games requiring 3 to 5 million copies sold to break even.

That's one part of it. Then, there are like you pointed out cases of failed ventures where the market research wasn't properly done and expectations were misplaced, that just compounds to the issue.

I'm not sure that's a super positive outlook.

I think typical AAA games take 3 to 5 million to break even because this gen produced some 250 million odd home consoles (not including increased PC sales).  I think its not that hard of a target to project when so many consoles are out there, even this late in the gen.  Dark Souls shipped over 2 million, im sure for Dark Souls 2, namco is looking at a number probably twice that.

The problem comes in that you have to release a game that deserves AAA quality, not just an AAA budget.  I think that is where the disconnect is happening.

PullusPardus said:
Gaming industry have become one of the most stupid and idiotic mediums ever, all thanks to these hipster journalists.

hipster journalist LOL

do you want g4 to return?


On that from osed125

Max Payne 3 is the perfect example of whats wrong with the industry.

Max Payne 3 was originally supposed to release late 2009. Its very likely that development started during 2007 sometime, if not before. The game eventually released in 2012. 2 1/2 after it should have released, and potentially 5 Years since development started.

This is what I mean. Time taken to develop a game is crucial. When you have a team of say, 50-200 people, working on a game for 5 Years (With other people coming in and out of the dev process over the course of said 5 Years), your costs will sky rocket. Its mis-management and it causes problems.


Carl2291 said:
On that from osed125

Max Payne 3 is the perfect example of whats wrong with the industry.

Max Payne 3 was originally supposed to release late 2009. Its very likely that development started during 2007 sometime, if not before. The game eventually released in 2012. 2 1/2 after it should have released, and potentially 5 Years since development started.

This is what I mean. Time taken to develop a game is crucial. When you have a team of say, 50-200 people, working on a game for 5 Years (With other people coming in and out of the dev process over the course of said 5 Years), your costs will sky rocket. Its mis-management and it causes problems.

ding ding ding... Duke Nukem, the upcoming the last guardian, Final Fantasy Versus, Aliens CM, GT5 to a certain extent...all these games needed time constraints or should have been cancelled, instead they balloned cost and time wise and resulted in two games being awful, one being the lowest rated in its history (even though itll will sell on par with its predecessors) and  two with the jury still out...

Nintendo should really start kissing up to 3rd parties and ask them what they want for a console. I feel like Sony and to a lesser extent Microsoft really try to please 3rd parties while Nintendo doesn't seem to care.