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happydolphin said:

I have to agree this is a good post.

Having said that, how much poor management is in line with the shunning of Nintendo? It seems to all be part of one and the same problem. Also, though it is due to poor management, I think it's the case for many studios, they are mismanaged. The PS470 platform will only compound the problem.

I think the poor management can be pointed both ways. 3rd parties ignoring Nintendo homeconsoles with big projects (Like the previously mentioned Tomb Raider, which could easily be done on Wii U) and Nintendo not giving incentives ($$$) to 3rd parties to bring the games to Nintendo homeconsoles.

Look what Microsoft did with the 360. Look at the JP support they took from Sony. Look what they did with Gears, GTA, CoD and Bethesda games. They offered incentives. Those incentives were all $$$, granted, but they still put all the effort in to get those games and publishers on the 360. They then built the userbases for said games and the console did extremely well from it.

PS4/Nextbox could be very much the same as this generation. I dont really expect a lot of publishers to push them to the limits. You will get the odd behemoth game that blows us away, but a lot of games will continue to be on par with current gen games. The only difference will be the development ease. While PS3 was horrible to make games for, the PS4 is being complimented for extreme ease of use. Its 100% developer friendly for the big studios and indie developers. They're also continuing to push the casual-friendly motion control that Wii made big.

Nextbox? We dont quite know enough yet. What we do know though, is that it has Kinect. Kinect is lined up perfectly to take that expanded crowd from Nintendo, now that they have seemingly abandoned them. 

I dont think the next generation is going to be as bad as people think. Not unless everyone goes batshit crazy over the huge specs and pushes out Battlefield 4-like games from day 1. I still expect games like LEGO, Zumba and Just Dance to be pushing out Millions. I still think there will be a market for games like Carnival Games and Winter Sports. Then you add in the money from Mobile gaming. There will be some casualites, there always is, but overall I think the dev-friendly approach will bring good things.

osed125 said:

Unfortunately it isn't only SE...

Thats a pretty good piece. Thanks for sharing.