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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5 vs real life, help me I don't know what is real!

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kowenicki said:
Strangely... none of them look real to me.

But then the quality of the videos is pretty bad.

It's easy to make videos the way that you can't tell the difference. Meaning quality of the video or bad reality videos.

Waiting for ethomaz to tell me otherwise :)

If the videos weren't in 240i, the difference would be clear; GT5 isn't even the best looking racer on consoles for my money, too many low quality environmental assets. 60fps is admirable though, as are the premium car models.

well i hope he can at least tell the difference between real and fake boobs.



Cobretti2 said:
well i hope he can at least tell the difference between real and fake boobs.

Real boobs float, and fake boobs sink.

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Michael-5 said:
Cobretti2 said:
well i hope he can at least tell the difference between real and fake boobs.

Real boobs float, and fake boobs sink.


Those are the worst looking gifs I have ever seen. 


One thing I've noticed though is that gifs always look many times better than the actual game (due to the difference in screen size)

Point in case: Call of Duty Gifs...and I can tell you from experience that the games don't look anywhere near that good.

Well GT5 looks really good but it still is pretty far from photorealistic, mostly due to envinronments. Everything beetween the ends of the asfalt is admirable though (premium cars before MS fans jump the gun on me)
But we'll have to wait until GThopefully6 on PS4 and I think it will be really hard to distinguish game from reality.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I was unbelievably underwhelmed by GT5 graphics.


EDIT: The low quality assets were a pain to behold.

Gran Turismo 6 is where it's going to look near photo-realistic. If they can get somewhat close in the appearance of ray-tracing then that's going to go a long way towards achieving alot of the realism that past GT games lacked.

I don't know why people tell me to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have lots of lives!