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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is Obama the Worst President that we have ever had?

Jumpin said:

Obama is actually the only good president the US has had in over 30 years, except for maybe Clinton. The rest of them were villainous and can even be described as disasterous in some cases.

Past 30 years?  In short, you are saying the only decent presidents America has had the past 30 years are Democrats?  You consider Sr. Bush villanous?

We are 30 years past Carter, which is the only reason why I have to ask about Democrats.

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Iraq is the biggest US foreign policy blunder in the last 30 years easy and Hurricane Katrina is the most embarrassing inner US disaster.

Bush Jr. wins on that alone. Not to mention the entire housing market and subsequently the stock market collapsing on his watch.

Obama got Osama, ended the pointless war in Iraq, and the economy is slowly but surely recovering. No way he's close to the worst. He's been average in a difficult period.

It's between Nixon and Bush Jr. No one else is even close IMO.

I think spurg is still just bitter the candidate he voted for didnt get elected and got beaten by Obama.


That's what going wrong with america and this is the next Republican candidate for presidential...



Edit: crap video is gone... That was Rand Paul (a republican star...) making a fool of himself.

Soundwave said:

Iraq is the biggest US foreign policy blunder in the last 30 years easy and Hurricane Katrina is the most embarrassing inner US disaster.

Bush Jr. wins on that alone. Not to mention the entire housing market and subsequently the stock market collapsing on his watch.

Obama got Osama, ended the pointless war in Iraq, and the economy is slowly but surely recovering. No way he's close to the worst. He's been average in a difficult period.

It's between Nixon and Bush Jr. No one else is even close IMO.

Let me address what you said one by one.

First part:  There are actually a lot of people who agree that going to Iraq would have had to happen at some point.  There are many who disagree as well.  However, not very many people know why we had to go to Iraq when we did, and there are multiple explanations.  The ones you have heard about are most likely not true.

Second part:  Without context, it seems a bit difficult to follow what you are trying to say.

Third part:  Obama didn't necessarily get Osama, nor did he try to take credit for it.  He may have pulled the troops from Iraq, but he only did so because he was lucky, and ironically stopped one war and entered into another.  I also wouldn't call the war in Iraq "pointless."  The point with the economy is recovering, that is a contested subject that I will try not to touch.

Fourth part:  That's all subjective and is informed mostly on what the media feeds us.  I'm sure if you really look into other presidents, you may feel like others may have been worse.


On topic, I would say this is a vastly uninformed thread.

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Flanneryaug said:

So the guy that has been working on fixing a destroyed economy and getting us out of two wars is worse than the guy whose policies crashed our economy and got us into two wars? No, he is not the worst president. Congress passes the laws, the president just signs them.

However, if your argument was that this is the worst congress ever, you might be right. 

Couldn't.  Say.  It.  Better.


I mean holy frigging cow people have blinders over their eyes.  Every single thing the Obama has done has been counteracted by the republican led congress.  When he's out of office, the final word on Obama will probably be the biggest raped by congress president in the HISTORY of American politics.

Every little stupid soldier killing, economy destroying thing Bush wanted, he got.

Last word?  How's that search for weapons of mass destruction that Bush used to kill thousands and thousands of americans over going?  They still looking?  When did all those bailouts come?  About four months into Obama's term when he basically had to sit there signing cheques that were written by Bush.

Sigh.  At some point I wish some people would pull their heads out of their butts, step back and look at things from afar.  I don't even live in the United States so i'm totally disconnected and can sit and see the numbers side by side.  George Bush should be a a prison for the lies and what he did to your country.

This is a horrible list, many of which can be attributed to past presidents.

The healthcare system? It's BEEN shit. The only way to actually fix it would be to do what every OTHER country has done and go with socialized medicine. But since we can't do that (and I'm pretty sure you won't), what Obama proposed and got passed was the next best option. It's FAR from perfect, but at least now people can no longer lose their healthcare for being sick, and their are cost controls in place such as a requirement that only 20-25% that someone pays in can go into overhead expenses. It's FAR from perfect, but it's still an improvement over the status quo.

National debt, really? You are going with that? Are you forgetting who got us into two wars? Who proposed and pushed through those expensive tax cuts? Who was in the driver's seat when the economy crashed? All of this is on Bush, at the very least, if not also his predecessors. Under Bush, we went from a project 5.6 trillion deficit to a 6.1 trillion surplus. You can't blame that on Obama.

Certainly, I am disappointed that Obama wasn't more bold in reducing the Bush tax cuts sooner, and I am very peeved that he has used drones like he has and hasn't pushed for the expiration of the Patriot act and the restoration of rights removed during the Bush era. But not correcting the mistakes of the last president doesn't make him a WORSE one. There is only so much any president can do, but all things considered, Obama did a lot in the two years he had a congress that co-operated with him. Obama cannot do much on his own beyond foreign policy (and on that front, he has ENDED the Iraqi war, easily Bush's biggest mistake, and is in the process of ending Afganistan). Obama cannot unilaterally fix all of Bush's mistakes, and as far as the current Congress is conscerned, they weren't mistakes to begin with.

The poor have been getting poorer since the 1980s. Don't put that on Obama. Put that on Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, and "trickle down economics".

This is stupid and not really warranting a response, but I will say this: what you mention isn't even an Obama policy, never was, and never will be.

Can't fail what hasn't been finished yet. Obama's got 4 more years to push them through. And I would think you would be happy about this.

...are you joking? Pretty sure your joking here. This wasn't the fault of any president, just an irresponsible corporation.

....again, not an Obama policy.

The only thing Obama's done is make the current congress look like kindergartners. Largely because they are acting like ones, and Obama is (unfortunately) the only adult in the room. This is on the tea party and few other crazies in the Republican party.

....and again, that was the Republican party, which completely mistook what the debt limit was and decided to take it hostage. Had they just past the deficit limit and pulled other shenanigans to reduce the deficit (like...hell, SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT. Even that would have been a better idea) then this never would have happened. That said, our credit is far from "destroyed".

This article feels like a parody of conservative crackpots more then anything else. Obama is FAR from a perfect president. But he's done plenty. Here's a nice lil website that'll give you an idea:

That was fun to write, but I'm done here now. These are not really points worth me arguing beyond this.

nuckles87 said:
This is a horrible list, many of which can be attributed to past presidents.

This article feels like a parody of conservative crackpots more then anything else. Obama is FAR from a perfect president. But he's done plenty. Here's a nice lil website that'll give you an idea:

That was fun to right, but I'm done here now. These are not really points worth me arguing beyond this.

I live in canada and honest to god, we looked at the states with Bush in with fear.  He was a frigging lunatic.  He wasn't smart enough to be the president!  He was just a guy sitting at the top of a pile of guys who served their own interests.  Look at his presidential speeches.  Could anything be more stilted and fake?  You coul;d almost see his speech going like:

Rumsfield>Talk about weapons of mass  destruction but don't get specific because there probably aren't any.

The facts are obvious that Obama has been repairing, not setting his own agenda.  So sad.

Psyberius said:
nuckles87 said:
This is a horrible list, many of which can be attributed to past presidents.

This article feels like a parody of conservative crackpots more then anything else. Obama is FAR from a perfect president. But he's done plenty. Here's a nice lil website that'll give you an idea:

That was fun to right, but I'm done here now. These are not really points worth me arguing beyond this.

I live in canada and honest to god, we looked at the states with Bush in with fear.  He was a frigging lunatic.  He wasn't smart enough to be the president!  He was just a guy sitting at the top of a pile of guys who served their own interests.  Look at his presidential speeches.  Could anything be more stilted and fake?  You coul;d almost see his speech going like:

Rumsfield>Talk about weapons of mass  destruction but don't get specific because there probably aren't any.

The facts are obvious that Obama has been repairing, not setting his own agenda.  So sad.

Don't forget that lunatic Steve Harper who change the Canadian health care system for the worse, and under his time in office Canada became so bad that everyone locks their doors since during his first some years, excluding some small towns in Canada where people still keep their doors unlock.

I hope Canadian health care system returns to the functions it was back before he became prime minister.

yo_john117 said:

So considering all the retarded and stupid stuff Obama has done; why do so many people think Bush was worse?

I don't know too much about past presidents so I can't say Obama is the worst but he definitely is the worst since the 80's


Oh and I feel I must say that quite a lot of the stuff that gets pinned on Obama and Bush was not their fault.

Ronald Reagan caused a Recession and so did Bush.

Bill Clinton created a surplus and so did Obama.


Ronald Reagan & Bush had the job market go down in their presidency.

Bill Clinton & Obama have the Job Market go up during their presidency.


Reagan & Bush had the housing market go down during their presidency.

Bill Clinton & Barack (Jewish Name) Obama (African Name) have the housing market go up during their presidency.


Lightning doesn't strike twice in running a country.