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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor - Next Call of Duty Title To Be Next-Gen Exclusive, No WiiU

That´s strange... how is it supposed to be launched for the new systems if that will happen before the new systems are even out ?
This is definetely trolling

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Soundwave said:

I don't buy it.

This would send CoD's sales from its annual 20+ million crashing down to like 5-6 million tops because there's only going to be so many PS4/720 owners this fall.

I don't really care about the Wii U version either way, since the last one didn't help Nintendo one lick anyway, but I seriously, seriously doubt Activision will just leave that much money sitting on the table from PS3/360 CoD fans who don't upgrade this fall.

There will be PS3/360 versions for sure IMO, unless Activision is in the habit of throwing away $300+ million in profit. No chance they let EA just have all the PS3/360 owners with Battlefield 4 this fall either. 

For 5-6 million copies to be sold this fall would mean that every single person that would buy a PS720 would have to also buy COD.  Not going to happen.  If the game comes out this fall and only on those two systems, sales of that game will top at 2 million for this year.

Stop hating and start playing.

2014 COD maybe, but surely not 2013. Doesn't make sense.

1) Nextgen only will seriously limit it's sales. Also not sure about the nextgen global release dates. The consoles may not even be out in all regions when the game is launched. Europe usually get the new consoles in March - I think.

2) Nextgen + currentgen (+PC) is a lot of work in terms of development for five or six different platforms.

3) 360+PS3 makes the most sense in 2013.

Omitting the wii u is probably very likely. No point spending money developing for a platform that will probably result in a handful of sales. That's business.

Skipping the Wii U isn't difficult to believe. Skipping the PS360 is impossible to believe.

and activision instantly bankrupts. not going to happen i wouldn't be surprised if the next gen systems have an "exclusive version" that takes advantage of the new shiny featuares but it will also be on ps360 this year. next year (2014) probably not.

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That would help the next xbox and ps4 a lot, but it would really hurt activision so I doubt it.



There`s no reason to skip Wii U, when the userbase will have grown by the time the next CoD launches. And now, Wii U is more than able to offer the same CoD experience that other consoles offered.

Also, no PS3 and no Xbox 360 versions? No way that`s happening. It`s like throwing money oout the window. Not to mention the potential damage to the franchise with BF4 being launched next to it.

This story isn't even worth writing this lack of comment that I'm writing write now.

Almost certainly false. They'd lost so many sales by not including 360 and PS3, and not including Wii U seems like an error. Even a million would be worth it.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.